Hay guys new Xbox 360 SKU!!

smcshaw said:
Pure speculation, but we'll know by morning :)

Oh damn you lol

I made what i thought was a ninja like edit, as I misread someones post and thought the Super Elite was hinted at by MS themselves
Steedie said:
A new 360 with a HD-DVD drive built in would be awesome

Why? I dont see how having the drive built in makes it any better than the current "buy it if you want it" scenario.
Bluray is kicking the backside of HD-DVD at the moment (though that can swing either way still who knows?) and its not going to be used for games on this generation of console from MS. So all you are left with is an expensive console that is capable of the same things as the current batch.
Awesome implies that would make the 360 a load better in some way. I think otherwise.
Bobbler said:
Why? I dont see how having the drive built in makes it any better than the current "buy it if you want it" scenario.
Bluray is kicking the backside of HD-DVD at the moment (though that can swing either way still who knows?) and its not going to be used for games on this generation of console from MS. So all you are left with is an expensive console that is capable of the same things as the current batch.
Awesome implies that would make the 360 a load better in some way. I think otherwise.


Because I, like a lot of people like a nice tidy and clutter free AV set up, so if MS can offer a solution to having HD-DVD instead of a seperate peripheral, then people will buy into it
They're all white bar the elite. Its not a different colour. The huge clue is the big shadow on the floor which is being cast from the light covering all the xboxes from above bar the end one, thus it being darker. Lights in the floor are lighting up the perspec stands.

The light above is a spot. In the second picture you can see it 4th light from the left on the top rig. Its beam is directed and does not cover the side of that xbox that we see, hence its darker on that side.

Simple really.
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Steedie said:

Because I, like a lot of people like a nice tidy and clutter free AV set up, so if MS can offer a solution to having HD-DVD instead of a seperate peripheral, then people will buy into it

Some people obviously have more money than sense if they would seriously buy the same thing again for the sake of a USB cable and an extra power lead.
Need your head felt to be honest if that is the cost justification, and would hardly think there will be a "lot of people" queuing up to buy it based on that IMO.

You would surely attract AV setup people by having a box which looks and fits with AV gear (why no console has ever been the same size as a "standard" AV amp or CD/DVD player or "stackable" I never know :D )
Dup said:
They're all white bar the elite. Its not a different colour. The huge clue is the big shadow on the floor which is being cast from the light covering all the xboxes from above bar the end one, thus it being darker. Lights in the floor are lighting up the perspec stands.

The light above is a spot. In the second picture you can see it 4th light from the left on the top rig. Its beam is directed and does not cover the side of that xbox that we see, hence its darker on that side.

Simple really.
If it's that simple then why does the DVD Tray and the top of the HDD have the same lighing as the other consoles? Also, why on earth would Microsoft line up three identical consoles? And if you look at the bit of light on the lower part of the side panel it's a darker colour than the side of the white ones.
As far as i can see the light is coming from two places

1. The lamp above which is shining on all 3 - hence why the top of each looks the same

2. The red lights underneath each table which is making the two white 360's look red, the third, supposedly grey 360 seems to be on top of the red light under its table so instead of the side having a red light cast on it, it is in shadow, hence looks grey
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JBeck said:
If it's that simple then why does the DVD Tray and the top of the HDD have the same lighing as the other consoles? Also, why on earth would Microsoft line up three identical consoles? And if you look at the bit of light on the lower part of the side panel it's a darker colour than the side of the white ones.

Because the light is from the right hand side from above. The front of the 360 is convex and the DVD tray side is catching a bit of light. The side we see is darker as the stop only reaches the other side of the console.

If it really was some awesome new coloured machine, would you think the original photographer would have gone up close and taken some real photos?

I can't say whay they would have 3? Neither is a core so it could be for demoing different development titles etc.
It doesn't matter if something is in shadow or not, if a light gets shined on it it'll be the same colour as one out of shadow. Light = no dark = no shadow. The lamp above would also bleed onto the sides ramoving shadow. All three are positioned exactly the same on each table, any light shining up will affect each console the same. The dvd trays are all the same shade, brightness and colour, hence they are all receiving the same amount of light to the front. If you shine a white light on a 360 in the dark it goes white, not grey.
Dup said:
Because the light is from the right hand side from above. The front of the 360 is convex and the DVD tray side is catching a bit of light. The side we see is darker as the stop only reaches the other side of the console.

If it really was some awesome new coloured machine, would you think the original photographer would have gone up close and taken some real photos?

I can't say whay they would have 3? Neither is a core so it could be for demoing different development titles etc.
Depends who the photographer was and what they were allowed to publish?
I can say why they would have 3, one core, one prem and one elite which begs the question why is there a fourth there and why does it appear different. Why would Microsoft take such time to arrange a photo like that only for them to **** the lighting up? If there is light shining on the dvd tray then the front will catch it too, unless your saying the front is (aprt from the drive) some new 'stays in shadow doesnt catch the light' cloaking technology?
Well, there is no core there, is there? Which makes it more likely there being 3 regular premiums used to demo whatever, like the 3 generations of DVD drives (unlikely).

Still, It's no issue what colour it is. The lighting setup is showing a low power spot from the top right, the 360s are placed a little forward from it and there are shadows on the floor proofing the are indeed to the left and in front of the light thus casting a shadow on that side. Yes it does appear a little dark. But this person was stood quite close when taking the 1st pic as the 2nd is low quality so adding further zoom would have made the 1st pic even worse.

I suppose at about 4.30am GMT we'll know what the crack is.
JBeck said:
It doesn't matter if something is in shadow or not, if a light gets shined on it it'll be the same colour as one out of shadow. Light = no dark = no shadow. The lamp above would also bleed onto the sides ramoving shadow. All three are positioned exactly the same on each table, any light shining up will affect each console the same. The dvd trays are all the same shade, brightness and colour, hence they are all receiving the same amount of light to the front. If you shine a white light on a 360 in the dark it goes white, not grey.

Looks like someone didn't read my post

On the left most console the light underneath (red) is not shining on the side of the console as it is almost directly underneath it. IF it was a grey console it would still be coloured red all the way up the side by that light if it was positioned in the same way as the other two. However only the bottom is tinged red, hence the rest is in shadow, hence appears grey.
Dup said:
Well, there is no core there, is there? Which makes it more likely there being 3 regular premiums used to demo whatever, like the 3 generations of DVD drives (unlikely).
Which could mean what you say, or it could mean they're dropping the core (or adding a HDD to it) and adding another SKU.
Shamikebab said:
Looks like someone didn't read my post

On the left most console the light underneath (red) is not shining on the side of the console as it is almost directly underneath it. IF it was a grey console it would still be coloured red all the way up the side by that light if it was positioned in the same way as the other two. However only the bottom is tinged red, hence the rest is in shadow, hence appears grey.
[irony on]Looks like someone didn't read my post[irony off]

Shadow has nothing to do with tint/ colour when a LIGHT is shined on it. The light BREAKS the shadow thus invalidating it's effect. Go get you 360 in the daylight and shine a light on it, it appears white. go put it in the shade of a tree and shine a light on it, it appears white, go put your 360 in a dark room and shine a light on it, it goes white.
JBeck said:
[irony on]Looks like someone didn't read my post[irony off]

Shadow has nothing to do with tint/ colour when a LIGHT is shined on it. The light BREAKS the shadow thus invalidating it's effect. Go get you 360 in the daylight and shine a light on it, it appears white. go put it in the shade of a tree and shine a light on it, it appears white, go put your 360 in a dark room and shine a light on it, it goes white.

You'll notice i said that the red light is not shining on the whole of the side of the console, hence why the bottom appears red (because its in the light) and the top appears grey (because its out of the light) go and find a flat surface and shine a torch at the bottom, you'll notice the top is still in the shade and appears darker than the colour it actually is (assuming its a lighter colour)
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But there is still red red light shining up the side, this light is a darker shade which could only mean that it's a darker side panel. This light would 'void' any shade it hit so wouldn't 'look' darker. It seems strange that MS would have 4 consoles, 3 prems and 1 elite. Why not have 2 of each or all white or all black? Just seems odd that they chose that shot. Hopefully all will be revealed.
It was the Halo edition console as far as i know
n the Xbox site this evening they reveal the special edition Halo 3 Xbox. Interesting to note is that the console is only a 20GB version yet has HDMI.

Will this be announced for all consoles in the future?

This new Special Edition contains these components:

* Halo 3 Special Edition Console
* Halo 3 Special Edition Wireless Controller
* Halo 3 Special Edition 20GB Hard Drive
* Halo 3 Special Edition Wired Headset
* Halo 3 Special Edition Gamer Pics and Theme
* Component HD AV Cable
* Ethernet Cable
* HDMI Port
* Play & Charge Kit
* Xbox LIVE Silver Membership
* One-month Lbox LIVE Gold Membership

Awful :eek:
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