Hazro series - HZ30Wi, HZ30WiQ, HZ27WA, HZ27WB & HZ27WC

i just got my Hazro HZ30Wi, i had to pick it up due to the weather and I jizzed in my pants when it came to life. no kidding... absolutely stunning!
I wonder if Hazro's RMA policy covers underwear laundry bills? :p

lol maybe they should. Now I wonder how i lived with my 32" 1080p lcd for so long. There is only one thing though in dark scenes I can see lots of difference between the middle and the bottom of the screen in terms of brightness. Its not edge bleeding because if I move my head lower the brightness on the bottom disappears. Its more like glossiness actually. is it normal?
lol maybe they should. Now I wonder how i lived with my 32" 1080p lcd for so long. There is only one thing though in dark scenes I can see lots of difference between the middle and the bottom of the screen in terms of brightness. Its not edge bleeding because if I move my head lower the brightness on the bottom disappears. Its more like glossiness actually. is it normal?

Perhaps its just the vertical contrast shifting (when you move your head up and down). I think I'm correct in saying the bigger the panel the more your going to notice it. Another reason why I want a 27" :D
Great review Badass, at the moment I have the NEC 23" that you reviewed a while ago, would you consider the Hazro a better monitor for gaming? For calibration I use work's Gretag eye1 with the colourMatch software, with no OSD options is it possible to calibrate with this setup or would I need an alternative?
Great review Badass, at the moment I have the NEC 23" that you reviewed a while ago, would you consider the Hazro a better monitor for gaming? For calibration I use work's Gretag eye1 with the colourMatch software, with no OSD options is it possible to calibrate with this setup or would I need an alternative?

they are both pretty comparable in terms of pixel responsiveness and input lag to be honest. The motion blur is quite similar i think so you'd probably find it fine as long as you're happy with your current EA231WMi screen

in terms of colour calibration you can absolutely use your current method. On the NEC screen you can adjust the brightness, contrast and RGB channels in the OSD which makes some changes at a hardware level (plus any other options you might change). most of the profiling and correction is carried out at a graphics card LUT level through the i1 device / software. On the Hazro you can only change the brightness control, but the colorimeter will still carry out the profiling and correction at the graphics card level. It can still offer excellent gamma, colour accuracy, colour temp etc once calibrated in this way. Remember that the Hazro is a wide gamut screen whereas the NEC is standard gamut.
Nice review Baddass. Thanks

I will be investing in a calibrator to get the best out of the screen. Which one would you recommend? I would like to use it for the Hazro and also my 27" iMac so it will need to support both windows and osx.

Another thing, when will the 27" be available to buy?

well depends on your budget really but the X-rite i1 Display 2 device is relatively affordable and should do the trick nicely and can be combined with most software packages for great results. The Pantone Huey devices are also pretty decent :)

i believe stock of the 27" models is imminent, but i guess Hazro or someone from the OcUK shop would need to confirm for us a firm date :)
What about the Spyder 3 Pro. Is that just as good?

From what I can tell the X-rite i1 Display 2 seems pretty old software wise?

yeah not bad either for a lower cost version. nothing wrong with the old X-rite software really, and the actual colorimeter is the same as provided with many OEM versions (LaCie Blue eye, NEC SpectraView, Samsung packages) so it's still a decent colorimeter
Perhaps its just the vertical contrast shifting (when you move your head up and down). I think I'm correct in saying the bigger the panel the more your going to notice it. Another reason why I want a 27" :D

yeah thats why I love my plasma so much. Fix the image retention problem and make plasma monitors already. It doesnt bother me much the monitor is excellent and no dead pixels either.
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