
Try not to sell yourself Short OP, while being vertically challenged can be a Little bit discouraging, it should be the Least of your worries. It completely normal and nothing to be Looked Down upon, just look at it as a Small matter and it will dissappear. If people tease you about it, just be the Bigger person and ignore them, don't be tempted to Stoop down to their level, they will Grow up one day.

You are so cruel.
I'm 5"8' which is just right :D

But compared to everyone im related too I am tall (most of my family / relatives are 5"6' of shorter).

Try not to sell yourself Short OP, while being vertically challenged can be a Little bit discouraging, it should be the Least of your worries. It completely normal and nothing to be Looked Down upon, just look at it as a Small matter and it will dissappear. If people tease you about it, just be the Bigger person and ignore them, don't be tempted to Stoop down to their level, they will Grow up one day.

Bloody fricking brilliant LOL!
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I think that trying to become less concerned about your height is likely to be more productive than trying to increase it. As far as I know, you can't do that. Which doesn't stop con artists on the net being happy to sell you snake oil "guaranteed" to increase your height. Probably made from ground up penis-growing pills.

If you want medical advice, ask a doctor. The years of med school count for something.
Actually there are some ways of increasing your height, its relatively easy. All you need to do is get a surgeon to break your legs and get the two pieces of bone pulled apart and kept in place by large braces for a couple of months. You may be able to get several cm of growth over several operations this way...

Sound good?

edit... Beaten...

I looked that up but decided not to mention it in case the OP was disturbed enough to try it DIY style.

It's only used as a treatment for people with legs of very different lengths. It's not safe enough for cosmetic and in any case lengthening a person's legs only would make them look oddly disproportionate.

Even a young child requires over a month of medically supervised recovery per cm of leg extension. Medically supervised because there are a whole slew of things that can go wrong in a crippling or fatal way.

There are parts of the world where you can get it done for cosmetic reasons. Most of the patients walk again.
Try not to sell yourself Short OP, while being vertically challenged can be a Little bit discouraging, it should be the Least of your worries. It completely normal and nothing to be Looked Down upon, just look at it as a Small matter and it will dissappear. If people tease you about it, just be the Bigger person and ignore them, don't be tempted to Stoop down to their level, they will Grow up one day.

That was very good. It actually made me laugh.
they will Grow up one day.

Yeah but the OP wont ever. You know what he needs to do is find a short girlfriend.

Can't imagine being that short i'm 5' 6" but i'm the shortest in my family my brothers are all around 6' 3" sister 5' 10" and 5' 8"
OP is a manlet.

Must be awful for you. I heard of one guy who just couldn't take being short anymore, so he killed himself. He jumped off a curb. :(


Looks on the bright side... you're the last to feel the rain :D

P.S. Tom Cruise is only 5' 7"

He does fine!

He pretends he's not 5' 7 though! :D

Just wear heels or do what most short guys do, add bulk. :o

Reminds me of Robert Downey with his "Tall Shoes" in Ironman! Good old SMS too!
Try not to sell yourself Short OP, while being vertically challenged can be a Little bit discouraging, it should be the Least of your worries. It completely normal and nothing to be Looked Down upon, just look at it as a Small matter and it will dissappear. If people tease you about it, just be the Bigger person and ignore them, don't be tempted to Stoop down to their level, they will Grow up one day.

Just close the thread, nothing more should be said.
ahh here we go lol.

im 22 years old and im 5'5.

the leg operation is a no go. like i said im looking for a point in the direction of a specialist i could talk to about the proper excersize, diet and the possibility of HGH treatment.

I doubt HGH is going to make you taller at 22. It will help if you're bodybuilding though :p.

And one of my mates is 21 and 5'1", you're not too bad dude.
ahh here we go lol.

im 22 years old and im 5'5.

the leg operation is a no go. like i said im looking for a point in the direction of a specialist i could talk to about the proper excersize, diet and the possibility of HGH treatment.

That's not that short. My wife is 5ft.

Start Yoga, that will promote better posture and add a little to your height. Other than that learn to accept yourself for what and who your are.
It ain't all cool being 6"+, people ask you for all kinds of favours..

Never mind that, it's the ducking when you get onto the Tube, the low doorways in so many places, the fact that sinks and cash machines are designed to be for people of shorter stature etc etc.

azamc: the best advice I can give you is to try not to worry about it, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it and obsessing over things you can't change isn't healthy. It's not fantastic being any height particularly but to use a cliche life is what you make it so try and enjoy it without focusing on when being short/tall/thin/fat/any other physical characteristic makes things slightly less than ideal.
ahh here we go lol.

im 22 years old and im 5'5.

the leg operation is a no go. like i said im looking for a point in the direction of a specialist i could talk to about the proper excersize, diet and the possibility of HGH treatment.

That's really not short... I'm 5"3.
That's not a terrible height mate, granted, I'm 6ft 4 so to me you're not exactly 'tall' but my ex's mum was only 4ft 9 - THAT is short!

That said, I hate it when I see people taller than me lol I'm so used to towering over people, it's just weird when I have to look up at someone!!

But on the whole, 5ft 5 is fine :)

Look on the bright side, you're taller than my kids :) (1,3,5,7 lol)
5’5” isn’t ’bad and it isn’t good either. Just find yourself a shorter woman and you’ll be fine.
Sylvester Stallone wears lift he said in an interview he's 5ft 10 but many put him at 5ft 7.

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Do those shoes look normal to you?

Just to show you the difference lifts make.

I think people give Tom Cruise too much grief for being 5ft 7, his wives have always been tall and wear high heels making him look like a midget.
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