
16 Mar 2007

ok this is an embarrassing, but very serious thread, i expect to be mocked but any help would be appreciated.

i am a short individual, the shortest amongst my peers, and without going too much into it, i am very concious of my height.

im looking for information on where to find a specialist on human growth to get reliable information, and if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation, your experience on the situation would be appreciated.


Could be worse. You could be 6ft 6. I'm under the name "Lurch" in most of my friends phones. One particular friend also answers "Youuu raaaang" every time I phone him.
Actually there are some ways of increasing your height, its relatively easy. All you need to do is get a surgeon to break your legs and get the two pieces of bone pulled apart and kept in place by large braces for a couple of months. You may be able to get several cm of growth over several operations this way...

Sound good?

edit... Beaten...
How short is short and how old are you?

If you've got enough money you could pay a surgeon some money to break your legs and give you a couple of inches.
On a scale of midget to giraffe how tall are you?

I mean how old are you. I can understand your concerns if you are a young individual, then when you're older you won't care what height you are.
If you are an adult then I would say learn to live with it. You are you and you shouldn't change for anything or anyone.
ahh here we go lol.

im 22 years old and im 5'5.

the leg operation is a no go. like i said im looking for a point in the direction of a specialist i could talk to about the proper excersize, diet and the possibility of HGH treatment.
ahh here we go lol.

im 22 years old and im 5'5.

the leg operation is a no go. like i said im looking for a point in the direction of a specialist i could talk to about the proper excersize, diet and the possibility of HGH treatment.

Just wear heels or do what most short guys do, add bulk. :o
Try not to sell yourself Short OP, while being vertically challenged can be a Little bit discouraging, it should be the Least of your worries. It completely normal and nothing to be Looked Down upon, just look at it as a Small matter and it will dissappear. If people tease you about it, just be the Bigger person and ignore them, don't be tempted to Stoop down to their level, they will Grow up one day.
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