I've just started playing this again, and it is quite stunning when you get proper teamwork going. Intense, stressful, but extremely rewarding when you do manage to succeed.
But there I find is the primary issue - it's not at all given in game how to succeed, as in what you actually need to do. Engineer? Support? Squad lead? Artillery? All of these have so many tasks they need to complete but nowhere is it actually described. I've had to go to YouTube to understand what the roles are and how they function. The strong point capture etc. is also a mess as only the experienced players or those who have read-up on how capturing works, know how it functions.
I don't want them to simplify it, but I'd like it explained by them properly so that others playing don't make the mistake of just running into the circle (which is an entirely logical thing for them to do given the map cues and how almost any other game functions). Or engineers or support thinking that their role differs just in the weapons they have. Or artillery gunners not having any idea that their firing is draining resources for use elsewhere on the battlefield just because there aren't enough nodes down.
You summed me up perfectly just then too - I'm guilty of not being SL! I do the very same waiting game and rush into the first unlocked squad that's made. Mainly because I still don't know the mechanics though, but also because it's so infrequent that the squad members have/use their mics that I don't fancy even attempting it.True.
And this point is no better exemplified at the start the game where people don't make infantry squads because it automatically assigns them as squad leader....
You can wait ages for somebody to start a squad then people just rush in to fill the spaces once somebody steps forward as a SL!
Tis a great game though. I am summed up perfectly in your post because I don't understand the undercurrent of the game either!!
Now that Team 17 have bought the rights to Hell Let Loose from Black Matter Games, I hope they dont start changing things too much.
I recognise that tag - in a tank crew with one of your members recently. Very helpful and understanding chap.I'm in a clan - 2.FJg - mainly for people who know what they're doing to play with casually, but we also play semi competitively vs other clans and a few ran a first tournament a few months ago. The competitive games are far better than public games, obviously the standard of shooting is much higher but having every squad doing something, usually pre-arranged by the commander etc, makes for a really interesting, tense and fun games.
If anyone wants to hop on to our Discord everyone's a really friendly bunch and will happily show you the ropes, and the general level on our servers is pretty good; just search 2.FJg in the filter and we've got 2 running atm.
I recognise that tag - in a tank crew with one of your members recently. Very helpful and understanding chap.
@Russinating I've played in that server many a time, what's the Discord, could be tempted to hop on the channel.
Good to know, the tanks guys tend to be pretty good as well.
Nice. And yeah that'd help wouldn't it... it's discord.2fjgclan.com. My name is just Russ if you see me.