It's actually not that complex once you get used to the basics. Some tips:
- Get a mic if you haven't. It feels weird at first communicating so frequently with randoms but you soon get used to it.
- Squad members can talk to their squad mates (green), officers can also talk to other officers and the commander (red), and commanders can only talk to officers. All roles also have local/proximity chat (blue).
- Spawn points are HQ, garrisons and outposts (OPs). HQs are ever-present, officers and the commander can build HQ using resources, and OPs can only be built by officers requiring no resources but they have a 3-minute cooldown to rebuild.
- HQs cannot be destroyed, garrisons can be destroyed by dismantling them or shooting them with a rocket/shell, and OPs can be destroyed by grenades or just walking near them.
- Said resources are dropped by the commander (100), or placed by the support class (50). Both have a cooldown.
- Resources can also be used to build defences like barbed wire and AT guns but don't worry about that for now.
- Stick to rifleman, medic and assault if you're new unless you're asked to switch to one of the other roles. They're not "more" difficult, but you will be asked to do things more frequently otherwise, particularly if you're support or engineer.
- Do NOT play officer until you know the game well, and commander even later.
- You'll need to change your play style (maybe); move slow and take your time and you'll die less! Particularly on any of the forest maps.
- In warfare mode both teams start at opposite ends and you have to capture points in order, starting with what will be contesting the middle point. You need to attack and defend in this mode. In offensive, both teams start at the same end of the map, with the defending team already holding all points. You only need to either attack or defend in this mode, and once a point is won or lost you should move on to the next ASAP, especially if defending.
- On that, respawning is often much faster than walking. One of the most annoying newbie thing is seeing loads of players walking from an old point rather than redeploying, but by the time they get there the point will be lost. It's not a game about kills and deaths so don't shy away from respawning or throwing yourself into the meat grinder when needed.
Hope that isn't too much
. There's loads of good guides on YouTube to look up specific roles, maps or general gameplay.