
Looks like heavy Deadpool influence on the direction they've gone with it :s its funny at first but I'm getting tired of it now.
Won't ever be the same without the legend that is The Perlman. Need to see more footage really to decide if this will be worth a punt. Hope it isn't too comedic...
Meh, was hoping this would be good, looks like I'll be disappointed.

Same here. I really like del Toro's films; shame he didn't get to make a third one.

As already mentioned; the makeup in this looks dreadful. Hellboy looks like I would expect a cheap B movie parody of Hellboy to look.
Well I can see when from the comics they are basing the movie off. Hopefully they can pull it off. Considering the ramifications in the comics.
Well that looks.....different.
the originals weren't short of humour but it was clever, witty stuff, some of this just seems cheap-laugh type stuff. disagree w/ the makeup comments, i think the design work looks great, but when you've done it as good as they did the original it's a hard act to follow. the UK location is weird, to say the least. plot seems to be a mash-up of the first two films and the potential third's plot, seems like that might be a lot to try and jam into one sitting.
Trailer does not give me much hope that this will match the 1st film. Acting comes across as being hammy although Ian Mcshane and Milla Jovovich are normally very watchable for me. I do think Ron Perlman is a hard act to follow as he nailed playing Hellboy in the origanal 2 movies.
First thought was who's playing Hellboy and 2nd after the trailer was they did it for (lame) laughs and it's not dark enough ... oh and that hand prop yeah it looks like a foam prop!
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