Helldivers 2

Ahhh personal objective to get kills using the mortar turret, therefore every game is filled with people dropping them in the stupidest locations just bombarding team members constantly.
Ahhh personal objective to get kills using the mortar turret, therefore every game is filled with people dropping them in the stupidest locations just bombarding team members constantly.

They are actually insanely overpowered if you've got a team all on the same page doing certain mission types. Combine with a couple of EMS and autocannon and stuff just evaporates.

Generally though with randoms if someone brings it you are probably best just dropping team, especially if they are also rocking the 380mm barrage LOL.
destroy them when they drop them somewhere stupid.
Oh I do If I'm not being ping ponged around by them :cry:

I've also had two new bugs since that latest patch, my camera randomly shooting off to the other side of the map for no reason. I usually have to mash weapon swap/change view for a several seconds and it finds me and pings back, it seems to happen more when picking things up.

The other I've had might be connection related, but has happened a few times now, is getting the jolt of recoil from the Quasar in first person a split second before the projectile is released, enough that it skews the shot above the target.
I only really use them on that 20 minutes automaton mission where you have to defend whilst 8 missiles get fuelled or whatever it is.

VIP extraction or something - you get it on bug missions as well when a planet is in defend state. For some reason there is 2 or 3 variations of the base layout that are almost but not quite identical, not sure why. I actually quite enjoy it as a variation of tower defence.

The other I've had might be connection related, but has happened a few times now, is getting the jolt of recoil from the Quasar in first person a split second before the projectile is released, enough that it skews the shot above the target.

I noticed that, seems to happen incorrectly in reaction to some other event rather than being out of sync recoil I think, I've not really paid it too much attention but a bit annoying.
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The other I've had might be connection related, but has happened a few times now, is getting the jolt of recoil from the Quasar in first person a split second before the projectile is released, enough that it skews the shot above the target.
i was firing over everything yesterday with the quazar - i wonder if it's this. It's definitely not a skill issue :D
Spent 40 mins earlier in a Terminid mission, the biggest sample haul I'd seen in one game. Something like 27/20/3

We made it all the way to the end just as the timer went to 0, but the dropship never actually landed even though a countdown started, and we all failed to extract.

At the end it looked like it was flying away inside the landmass.
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Done that a couple of times to people by accident :( though the doors are kind of useless and not worth bothering with.

Saw the end coming - but IMO they need to make it so you are completely invulnerable once in the shuttle - it is a griefer's wet dream and someone trying to fight their way into the shuttle can have trouble not killing team mates.

On a more general note related to some of the posts above as someone with game programming experience a lot of the glitches/bugs drive me up the wall as many would be apparent with simple game testing, often should be simple fixes and I couldn't rest personally without fixing them.
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Done that a couple of times to people by accident :( though the doors are kind of useless and not worth bothering with.

Saw the end coming - but IMO they need to make it so you are completely invulnerable once in the shuttle - it is a griefer's wet dream and someone trying to fight their way into the shuttle can have trouble not killing team mates.

On a more general note related to some of the posts above as someone with game programming experience a lot of the glitches/bugs drive me up the wall as many would be apparent with simple game testing, often should be simple fixes and I couldn't rest personally without fixing them.
i believe once you're on the ship you still keep all your samples etc..
On a more general note related to some of the posts above as someone with game programming experience a lot of the glitches/bugs drive me up the wall as many would be apparent with simple game testing, often should be simple fixes and I couldn't rest personally without fixing them.

/marks off sheet

/marks off sheet


I mean it is true so?

And in case you weren't aware for example a mod I made for Quake 2 RTX which has most of the gameplay feature programming of something like Helldivers 2 (I actually have an unreleased game mode with very similar gameplay albeit a lot more rudimentary).

(Just don't look at the damage over time code as I never moved it beyond a very limited simple array to a proper tick based system).
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Was 2-manning with a mate tonight and he got a "player has left" message and I got a "player has returned to civilian life" message but we were both in our own copies of the map.

Very weird!
Is anyone else getting the bug where your screen goes black mid mission & you randomly end up back on the ship :mad:

Been happening since early days of the game, not sure what causes it. Usually if it happens for me it happens within the first minute or so of joining a game.
Better than the screen going black and then hearing: "oh good, you're finally awake". Although that would be an epic twist.
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