Helldivers 2

I'm sure those reviews are really hurting them considering all those people have already bought the game. Typical fickle gamer knee jerk reaction.
Like when all those Warcraft players cancelled their subscription because of the Hong Kong thing and then probably resubscribed the next month.
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Isn't this because of Sony demanding it? Not the devs?
You should know what you sign up for, the details of the contract. This is very bad since there are countries where PSN isn't available, bit Steam sold there too.

Remedy also messed up with Alan Wake 2 making it Epic only - last I've heard they haven't sold yet enough copies to cover the production of the game.

Ergo, you sleep as you make your bed. Stay independent as much as possible and do your own thing.
I'm sure those reviews are really hurting them considering all those people have already bought the game. Typical fickle gamer knee jerk reaction.
Like when all those Warcraft players cancelled their subscription because of the Hong Kong thing and then probably resubscribed the next month.
But Steam are granting refunds and have blocked off sales to countries that don’t have access to PSN. So yes, these actions will be hurting Sony.
But Steam are granting refunds and have blocked off sales to countries that don’t have access to PSN. So yes, these actions will be hurting Sony.

Correct, and now overwhelming negative sentiment for a product that was close to top of the steam most played charts, could have been sustained for a long time.

Now who knows where it'll end up.
But Steam are granting refunds and have blocked off sales to countries that don’t have access to PSN. So yes, these actions will be hurting Sony.

Barely. Have you seen the countries?
Absolute nothing burger, as with all videogame dramas.
Correct, and now overwhelming negative sentiment for a product that was close to top of the steam most played charts, could have been sustained for a long time.

Now who knows where it'll end up.

One of the things which is making me think about this whole situation - pushing through with the PSN account linking is purely a corporate move at this stage, not being done for reasons of the gamer's best interests and being done with complete disregard and hands off from what is actually going on with the game, etc. it is happening too much of late because people aren't pushing back.
it's a good thing that the PC players have stood up and made a fuss about it.
people that don't see a problem or think it's nothing are the reason companies try and do take every last monetizable avenue.

How to kill GOTY in one week.
What a mess, glad I didn't jump on the hype and opted for the Fallout 4 hype instead, this is just proof though that it's not game developers who destroy games but the publishers and execs who have zero clue what gamers want

Also why is Isle of Man banned from making PSN accounts lol
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Interesting one actually as to the legality at least in the UK - I just remembered a previous company I worked for had a similar situation where a requirement wasn't working right at the product launch and it went to legal arbitration some months later when they tried to bring it in after being challenged and the advice was that the company had had a reasonable amount of time to sort the issue and it was now not unreasonable for consumers to consider what was originally a "requirement" to no longer be so.

But it isn't something really spelt out in consumer law and would apply on a case by case basis.
What a mess, glad I didn't jump on the hype and opted for the Fallout 4 hype instead, this is just proof though that it's not game developers who destroy games but the publishers and execs who have zero clue what gamers want

Also why is Isle of Man banned from making PSN accounts lol

It’s still a fantastic game though. I’d have jumped on the Fallout hype if they had actually delivered a true next gen update. The state of gaming right now :(

The whole PSN thing is just bizzare.
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And here it is....

The whole PSN thing is just bizzare.

I think one of the problems is there is no sweetener either - same with Amazon and putting ads in Prime Video, etc. these things are increasingly being done purely as a corporate move, often looking at the company bottom line, with complete disregard for and taking for granted the people who are paying money to the company. Even a fairly token sweetener, as long as it wasn't totally meaningless, that made linking a PSN account in some way useful would have probably resulted in only a fraction of the current outcry.

No one wants to create an extra account, the game has gone on long enough working fine without it people question the need for it and there is no incentive for them to go that extra step.
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AH haven’t helped themselves. They should have just enforced it from day 1.

It’s just CoD all over again with the boycott group all playing it on day 1. Everyone will jump on the Reddit bandwagon, but will still keep playing it. Active players haven’t dropped at all. What it has damaged is the community spirit that was strong with this game.
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AH haven’t helped themselves. They should have just enforced it from day 1.

It’s just CoD all over again with the boycott group all playing it on day 1. Everyone will jump on the Reddit bandwagon, but will still keep playing it. Active players haven’t dropped at all.

It hasn't been enforced yet, you can still play the game without a PSN account.

Hopefully it will stay that way, Arrowhead themselves hate it and they are not taking it laying down.
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