Help name my friends child

Talking of kids names, my best mate since childhood (last name Bennet) named his boy William Robert Bennet so he and his wife wanted every to call him Will for short - until I noticed that the shortened whole name would be Billy Bob Bennet - YEEEE HAHHHHH!!!! So I keep buying him cowboy stuff for his birthday/Xmas etc, much to his wifes displeasure but it makes me and my mate laugh :D
I have to laugh at all the posters here with weird forum names complaining about odd names.


But yes those names are terrible.

The difference being that we chose them as adults. Well, apart from the ones chosen by admins as a joke. But the people with those names they didn't choose are also adults and they're not required to use those names outside this forum.
No clue.

Probably found this thread with all the twonks being rude lol

It's not really that rude to point out the names were pretty terrible.

This isn't mumsnet with its "oh hun, beautiful names for DS, so glad you and your DW have got such great choices, AIBU to think I should rename my kids with those names? I'd love little Wane to be a Harlen!"

People have rightfully pointed out it may be a good idea to tell your pals it may not be a great idea to condemn their child to be pre-judged (rightly or wrongly) all their life by calling them Ronin or Harlen.
It's not really that rude to point out the names were pretty terrible.

This isn't mumsnet with its "oh hun, beautiful names for DS, so glad you and your DW have got such great choices, AIBU to think I should rename my kids with those names? I'd love little Wane to be a Harlen!"

Bizarrely we know someone who had a kid and upon meeting their friends and kids changed her kids name to one of their kids names! :eek:

Needless to say it didnt go down well....
It's not really that rude to point out the names were pretty terrible.

This isn't mumsnet with its "oh hun, beautiful names for DS, so glad you and your DW have got such great choices, AIBU to think I should rename my kids with those names? I'd love little Wane to be a Harlen!"

People have rightfully pointed out it may be a good idea to tell your pals it may not be a great idea to condemn their child to be pre-judged (rightly or wrongly) all their life by calling them Ronin or Harlen.

Plot twist: OP knows the names are terrible, they posted here to get replies, so they could send the thread to friend saying "Look, everyone says it's a bad idea" so they don't personally have to tell them they thought the names were bad.

Plot twist: OP knows the names are terrible, they posted here to get replies, so they could send the thread to friend saying "Look, everyone says it's a bad idea" so they don't personally have to tell them they thought the names were bad.

.... no... why would I do that.. that's just mean... hmmm yea.
What country are the mother and father from?

I ask because my wife is Swedish and we chose my son's name which would work in both countries.
Plot twist: OP knows the names are terrible, they posted here to get replies, so they could send the thread to friend saying "Look, everyone says it's a bad idea" so they don't personally have to tell them they thought the names were bad.

alternate: kid grows up and asks parents how they came up w/ his name. "oh a bunch of strangers from the internet we've never met picked it for you."
thereby showing exactly how much thought and care they put into their offspring and cementing the loving relationship between parents and child.
poor kid is going to get duffed up on a regular basis in school with any of those names. Parents need to be pre-emptively arrested for child abuse TBH..............
Imagine asking your mate in confidence which name he prefers and then it winds up on this cess pit. God forbid they look-up OPs posting history :o
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