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[HELP] PC locking up completely at random during games


-XMP disabled
- CPU vcore set to auto
- qpi/vtt set to 1.31V

In advanced memory settings it shows 1.1V despite me manually changing it. So I presume that just shows the default setting of whatever profile is set? Is there a program that I can install to see the exact qpi/vtt voltage?


Could it be my hard drive that the games are installed on? (samsung F3 1TB split into 3 partitions)

I will launch black ops 2 again and if it happens, I'll try putting it on my SSD.
Happened again with XMP off, CPU core set to auto and 1.31V, this time the crackling noise didn't happen though, probably due to the CPU Vcore being put back to auto.

I have noticed that the lock up seems to happen in roughly the same spot of the level/map for COD each time :confused:

I have had a google and came across threads where people have had the same problem and they always seem to say it is something to do with either:

- RAM being faulty etc. (can't see it being this as it was working fine before the GPU change)
- voltages for CPU and RAM (have tried changing that stuff over the last 2 days or so and it still happens)
- temps (not the problem, everything is running nice and low)
- hard drive (done a health check etc. with HD tune pro on the drive that the games are running on and no problems are brought up)
- PSU, not enough power being supplied etc. (no idea how I can test this as I don't have a good spare PSU and my brother etc. wouldn't be wanting to lend me his or put my GPU in his PC etc.)
- software/drivers (did a fresh install of windows so can't see how it could be due to that either, unless it is just a problem with the ATI drivers and my sort of setup......)

Unfortunately no definite answer to what is causing this problem.

Apart from the above, what else could it be?

Again I just can't understand why it seems to be happening for those 2 games only so far (out of the 5 or so that I have tried), especially black ops II and why it happens completely at random :confused: I will install Max payne 3 tomorrow on the same drive and see if it happens for that.
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After doing the fresh reinstall of windows, I reinstalled those games too (it only happened with those games before the fresh install too)

I am just using the latest stable ati drivers, 12.10. What are 12.11 caps and what do they do?

Ok I'll try changing the dram voltage later on today.
Ok I'll install them later on too. Are the beta drivers stable on the whole though?

What is the best process of installing them? Uninstall my current ati drivers and ccc, run driver sweeper or can I just install them on top?
Ok thanks wazza, will get them on later and see what happens.


What exactly was it? Voltage, speed, timings etc.? Or do you just mean it was the type of ram being used with the gpu?
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Brother has just given me the above RAM, so everything in the BIOS is back to the way it was before, including performance enhance mode set to "turbo".
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It happened again with the 2x2GB G skill sticks with everything at default in the bios.

There was no noise this time and a black screen, however, this may have just been due to the game level as once the level was over it goes to a black screen with no sound.....

Getting fed up with playing these 2 same games now and wasting too much time trying to fix whatever is causing this issue and I have tried changing voltage stuff etc. with no success so now I am just starting to wonder if I should buy a new PSU or just return the GPU and get an nvidia equivalent?
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Yeah from what I have read on here and other threads, if it was a GPU issue I think there would be artefacts, lines across the screen etc. when the lock up happens and everything does seem to point to the RAM or/and CPU being the issue.

I am going to put the corsair memory back in now and install max payne 3 (actually want to play this game again) and if it happens with this game then I will RMA the GPU and see what happens.
Yup 1200MHz currently. Will try that out. Should I drop the core clock too? (currently at 900MHz)

Also uninstalling any audio drivers.

I don't have a OCZ PSU :p Have an antec earthwatts 500W PSU:

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All audio drivers are uninstalled, rebooted and windows installed sound drivers automatically. Have run ccleaner (including its registry fixer/cleaner) and have just checked for windows updates and there is quite a lot of stuff in the optional section about performance, reliability fixes so installing them all now.

Will keep the clock speeds at default for now and see if the above stuff resolves the issue, if not then I'll drop the clock speeds.

BTW is it better to run the realtek audio drivers (from the gigabyte site) or just to leave them (assuming that they aren't the cause of the lock up issue...). Read a lot of mixed opinions on them....
For a bit there I thought that what I did above had fixed the problem as BO II was running for quite a while, but as usual the lock up happens eventually.....

Going to give BO II a rest now and just play games that I want i.e. max payne 3 etc.

So will keep stock clocks for other games and when I do play BO II or my brother plays it, I'll drop the memory clock.

And if the memory clock doesn't fix the problem then RMA time and am considering just paying an extra £30 or so for the asus direct CU 660. Shame as I really liked the 7850, especially the MSI twin frz III model.
I forgot have you tried with the power slider to 20% in ccc? You could rma and see what happens with the new card

No, what does it do? I will try that before adjusting the memory clock speed.


does graphics overdrive have to be enabled?


That is a yes to the above question.
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I have been playing max payne 3 (everything on max settings) for quite a while there and no lock ups.

This was with the power slider set to 20% so I'll try BO II out later on and see.

Any idea why this seems to be only happening with FC 3 and BO II so far? Haven't had this issue in:

- the walking dead
- red faction Armageddon
- crysis 2
- dead light
- hitman absolution (although don't play this game for very long)

Going to reinstall BF 3 and see what happens with it.
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No worries trentlad :) When it comes to problems and solutions for anything computer related, I never get my hopes up too high! :p

It is so weird the issue, just been playing BF 3 there for like the last 2 and a half hours, not a single problem, game ran absolutely superb on mostly high settings (could put it up to ultra but I like to have a consistent smooth rate throughout for multiplayer)

So either the problem is just with only a few games or the power slider has actually fixed the problem (will try BO II out tomorrow and it will be confirmed if that is the solution)

Yeah ColEx, after more testing tonight etc. I don't think it is anything to do with RAM, CPU, PSU or the GPU (at least not hardware related) itself otherwise as has been said, the problem should be occurring in all games, not just a couple. Unfortunately I don't have a spare P55 board or know anyone who has a spare P55 board in order to test out :( (brother has the same one as me) and not really wanting to spend the money on one just yet as it could very well be just an issue with those particular games.

Will try more games out in the next few days (sleeping dogs, metro 2033 and crysis) and if the lock up issue doesn't happen with them, I'll probably just not bother with the RMA or replacing the PSU.

Once again, thanks very much to everyone for their input, it has helped a lot! :)
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Hmm, this could just be an issue with some games and the 7850 then, either the OC or/and ATI software/drivers.

As if you google "7850 lockup during games" or something along those lines there does seem to be an awful lot of threads with similar problems.

I will try sleeping dogs soon.

Have you (and any others who encounter this issue) tried the power slider in CCC?
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