Yeah the powerslider could be helping me too as I have had it up to 20% since last night before BF 3 and from playing BF 3, max payne 3 and sleeping dogs so far, no lockup, but it happens completely at random. Could launch any of them up now and play for 15-30 minutes and before you know it....lockup or they could be fine for a few hours.
What ATI drivers are you using?
Have just finished installing metro 2033 now, will give it ago for a hour or 2 and will get my brother to play BO II later on tonight.
If the lock up happens, I will also drop my clock speeds.
Is it better to use CCC or MSI afterburner to drop the speeds?
What ATI drivers are you using?
Have just finished installing metro 2033 now, will give it ago for a hour or 2 and will get my brother to play BO II later on tonight.
If the lock up happens, I will also drop my clock speeds.
Is it better to use CCC or MSI afterburner to drop the speeds?