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[HELP] PC locking up completely at random during games

Yeah the powerslider could be helping me too as I have had it up to 20% since last night before BF 3 and from playing BF 3, max payne 3 and sleeping dogs so far, no lockup, but it happens completely at random. Could launch any of them up now and play for 15-30 minutes and before you know it....lockup or they could be fine for a few hours.

What ATI drivers are you using?

Have just finished installing metro 2033 now, will give it ago for a hour or 2 and will get my brother to play BO II later on tonight.

If the lock up happens, I will also drop my clock speeds.

Is it better to use CCC or MSI afterburner to drop the speeds?
Yeah hopefully it is just a problem with the software/drivers and BO II, far cry 3, which will be fixed in the next set of drivers/updates.....

Played another few hours of BF 3 tonight and a bit more of sleeping dogs and didn't have any problems.

I uninstalled the realtek drivers a day or so ago but the lock up still happened with BO II. Just using the drivers that are installed by windows, don't really notice any difference in sound quality and never really used the realtek control panel so won't bother installing them again :p (might invest in an asus sound card at some point, just hope there won't be any issues with it freezing my PC!!! :p)

Tried that too, currently have 2 "high definition audio devices", one is disabled and I think it is related to ATI HDMI as before I disabled it, under sound devices "ATI HDMI" or something like that was shown but when I disable the HDAD, the ATI thing disappears.
Just played BO II for about an hour to 2 and no lockups. Played BF 3, max payne 3 earlier on as well and didn't experience any problems.

Hoping that the power control being set to 20% has fixed the issue, either that or it has just delayed the lockup issue for a bit longer.....
Only way to know is to play for longer :)

I don't know if I can play BO II for any longer!!! :p Must have played each SP mission 5 times now :o

Feels so good to find a solution doesn't it!

I'm stunned that you managed to get such a large response to be honest.. five pages! I literally have to go to another forum to get technical help. Haha!

It most certainly does! :) And such a easy & quick fix (hopefully....) too :o :p I need to game for longer to make sure the issue has truly gone though, far cry 3 tonight and BO II tomorrow.

Yeah I am bit surprised by the large response to this thread (quite a lot of views too! :eek:), thought it would only be a couple of pages, as most "help" threads are usually that size, I have always found this forum to be one of the best for technical help overall.
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Indeed! Aside from the lockup issue, I couldn't be happier with my 7850. Hopefully whatever is causing the issues will be fixed in software/driver updates...

Will have to give the 12.11 drivers a go sometime soon. How much of a performance increase are we talking about i.e. FPS increase for FC 3, BF 3? When is the stable version due out?

Just finished playing FC 3 for a couple of hours and didn't experience any lockups.
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