Help streaming a funeral

Appreciate the help.

Lets try and leave the "should you" out of it. I appreciate that people will have different opinions. But that's a different argument.

Anyway - looking like facebook live is the easiest option. I've set up a page for people to follow and the live stream will simply appear there.

I'm going to pop up to the church and do a test - signal, lighting, sound etc and see what else needs to be done.

Anybody got any suggestions for a bluetooth unidirectional mic that I can use instead of teh phones own mic?
As someone who does a lot of live TV transmitting I would strongly suggest that as much of the gear as possible is hard wired, and avoid Bluetooth if you can.
As someone who does a lot of live TV transmitting I would strongly suggest that as much of the gear as possible is hard wired, and avoid Bluetooth if you can.
Yup - the "keep it simple stupid" is a mantra worth repeating.

I'm going to the church later with a tripod to get a feel for the light/acoustics etc.

I'm seeing the husband this evening, so I'll get the undertakers details from him and see if they have a turnkey solution.
friend died during Covid and although no lockdowns were happening, numbers were quickly taken up at the venue. This was live streamed on youtube - pretty sure it was setup by the venue; so I tuned it to watch it there, where I wouldn't have been able to if it wasn't offered.

Cameras were facing the front, with only those who coming to the front to do particular readings were seen (other than the priest).

Speak to the venue, they'll likely already offer something pre-setup.
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