Heroes of the Storm

Everyone remember to add your Battle.net tags! Does anyone know the person who updates the main list? Or is it worth just starting up a Google Docs document so everyone can add their Battle.net ID?
If you have any keys going let me know I would love to get one. But unable to activate any that have been posted being at work :(

A trust would be great
Played a few rounds with Diablo last night to get a daily sorted. First round was a throw away as I didn't know his abilities and thought he was a bit more tanky early game than he is.

Next couple of rounds absolutely steam rolled the opposition. He is quite good fun just smashing people around.
Everyone remember to add your Battle.net tags! Does anyone know the person who updates the main list? Or is it worth just starting up a Google Docs document so everyone can add their Battle.net ID?

I've been updating it. Miss a few sometimes but I'm trying to add everyone who posts their battletags here.

Just went through it again and pretty sure I've added everyone now who has posted their battletag here.

Rather than make an ID list and add everyone, it's probably easier if everyone just does /join ocuk.

This is easier though, yeah. Can just ask in chat channel. Worked with SC2.
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With the chat channels, when you're in a game you won't get any messages, you see everything after you finish the game. This is the main downside (although I see why it's like this, any remotely busy channel would spam your screen while playing), as most people will be in game the channel will likely be quiet. Don't be surprised if no one replies to you :D.

You can type /who when you have the ocuk channel selected to see a list of everyone in that channel. You can then view profile, add friend, invite.
Maybe, I don't have that turned on though because it'd be too annoying when you're in multiple channels :p.

Ah yeah, the option is there in Options>Social>Show chat channels ingame. Also make sure you have Auto-Join channels ticked in the same place and then once you do /Join ocuk once it will keep joining everytime you open the game :).
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