Hi chaps,
I really want to get into this game, I am a bit of a blizzard fan boy and sunk days into WoW and similar currently with Hearthstone. I have always wanted to try a LoL style of game so this is perfect, however I am complete noob.
I followed the tutorials and staggered my way through to level 6 so far but still have absolutely no idea what is going on (online especially). I just find myself button mashing and then quickly dying still unclear on the objective.
Is there any good beginners guide for someone who has never touched this style of game before?
1) Keep an eye with what's going on with the map, tunnel vision is one of the biggest things why people fail, I still do it from time to time and you can easily get ganked or miss the opportunity to help your team mates.
2) Try not stand still when hitting the creeps in lane, this make it easy for someone to hit you with a skill shot compared to if you keep moving.
3) Try your best work as a team and work on the objectives, someone pings for help and you can spare, go help, sometimes you need to make the best judgement on whether it's worth it or not though.
4) Don't go running in against 2 or 3 as you will die and then spend time waiting to join. For example if the opposition team has 3 capturing a tribute, your team mates are too far away or dead. Don't dive in thinking you will stop it, you won't and you will put your ream at a disadvantage, best let them take it and fight another time.
5) Learn the heroes you like to play, don't just pick what you feel you should, play what you like and learn how that character works, who can counter that hero etc... Places like heroesfire have lots of builds to give you an idea and a base.
6) Just enjoy it, some losses will annoy you due to awful team play, some will be really close and well fought games. Same goes with winning.