Tried this again with some guys from work the other day, after getting to level 30 odd in the beta. It still doesnt deliver for me. It feels so spammy, no real room for individual plays/skills. The damage is so weak on the abilities unless you are playing nova, that you just cant kill anyone 1v1 unless they try to manfight to death.
The damage is so low and ranges so bad that it kinda makes all of the champions feel the same, mashing their stuff in the 5 man, very little in the way of positioning with people being so slow and attacks being so short range.
I really want to like it, i have spent a decent chunk on it already, and i love the characters etc, but it really is just failing to deliver compared to lol and dota :/ (my opinion of course, happy for anyone that is able to enjoy it).
Edited as it sounded a bit harsh which wasn't my intention.
Heroes that can comfortably kill 1v1 even if the opposition isn't man fighting.
In fact any assassin can solo kill and so can a few specialists like Sylvanas.
Positioning is very important and varies depending on who you play. Someone like Jaina, Kael'Thas who have such low health pools need to be in a sensible place at range and if they get caught out for not being on the ball then they're dead. While your tanks essentially should be front line starting the fight.
I personally don't think the champions feel the same and i'd hazard a guess there is more variety of build in this system than the 95% cookie cutter builds used in other mobas.
5 man battles shouldn't be about mashups, you should be picking off the healers or damage dealers, countering the oppositions skills, comboing your own skills with your team mates.
There is stuns, roots, cleanse, heals, silences etc...
Then you can build for many different types, single target dmg, aoe dmg, heals, survival, lane pushing, camps.
Add to the fact games are acceptable length, there are fun objectives which encourage team fights from early on and games are never truly won until the core has gone.
Granted its each to their own but i think far too many people see it as shallow and a simple game, truth is there is lots of depth if you get into it and partnering up with a few people can certainly add too it.