Heroes of the Storm

Just had a hL game as brightwing on haunted mines and saw a zeratul on the other so decided to try New Talent (Level 4): Peekaboo!

Teleporting to an ally using Phase Shift grants vision and reveals Stealth in a large area for 6 seconds.

It worked really really well, just before the mines opened i would hs then phaze shift back in to an assasin and more often than not found a zeratul who then normaly died fast with a sheep at 1/2 hp. The talent does reveal quite a large area.
Problem I find with Sylv, while she almost always tops seige + hero damage, is that most of her hero damage is negligible in that it can usually be healed up quite easily. Especially after the Envenom and B4B nerfs that hit her really hard. She lacks any real burst. Find that a lot in teams without burst assassins, it's very easy for the opposing healer to negate most of the damage, even if your team has theoretically more damage overall.
It all depends how you spec and play her.

I don't play her much as an assassin but assist my team in TF to help increase damage output harass and lane push.

I spec the following:

Lvl1: Lost Soul
Lvl4: Overflowing quiver
Lvl7: Life Drain
Lvl10: Wailing Arrow
Lvl13: Splinter Shot
Lvl 16: Cold Embrace
Lvl 20: Fury of the storm

This build might not make much sense to some but with how I play her it seems to work well.
My Slyvanas build in general is:
Barbed Shot
Unstable Poison
Wailing Arrow
Evasive Fire
Cold Embrace
Bolt of the Storm

I feel she does very well all round and definitely a T1 hero.

Also for anyone who cares here is a few other builds I run regularly:

Deep Chill
Arcane Intellect/Snowstorm
Summon Water Elemental
Storm Front
Northern Exposure
Bolt of the Storm

Unrelenting Pursuit
Furnace Blast
Crave Flesh
Blood Frenzy
Nexus Blades

Crowd Control
Piercing Bolt
Thunder Strike
Unstoppable Force

Seasoned Marksman
Focused Attack
Follow Through
Void Prison
Double Bombs

Conjurer's Pursuit
Protective Shield
Divine Storm
Shrink Ray
Imposing Presence

That's just a few and I do alter a few skills depending on the team make up but there we go. Might be useful for the odd person but probably not ha.
Yeah same really.

I cant commit to an evening as it depends on my baby and my partners mood.

Hit HL level 33 now. So slowly climbing up the ladder.
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Sorry about the game last night, had no end of problems, pc locked up, keyboard didn't work. In the end of switched off for a bit.

No problem Dave and totally understood - I get a weird keyboard lock every now and again - happened in League as well and it's very frustrating :( We did win the game amazingly :)

I still am getting hit with a mass FPS lag hit every now and again - usually a couple of times in a game it will go down to very low fps, so going to try and nail it down a bit what is going on. I suspect the processor is letting me down :(
Well thats a first, just had a game where Sgt Hammer was moaning a bit early game. Granted it he was right and he wasn't been aggressive or nasty.

I said don't worry about it, only a game and everyone is trying.

End of the game he sent me a message apologising for the moaning etc... now thats rare! Especially when he wasn't even remotely bad.
I have just played the most infuriating game i've had to date.

We are 2 levels ahead, got their core down to 20% with shield and they have 3 people dead and we have all 5 up.

I say push the core it's an easy win but no, they all lane up to clear the minion waves which gives the opposition time to spawn back in. They then proceed to drip feed into the enemy and die. I'm playing Nova so couldn't really grab core.

They get the boss and start to push for the win.

I'm not great at this game but the level of stupidity some have is scary.
Queue after queue of idiots in Hero League, so many rank 40 gimps now.

Stealing heroes "For my quest" and going AFk within 5 minutes or feeding the team to "Let them win" because they think the game is lost.

Edit - FINALLY a decent party! Went 32-0 on HL with ETC. Got some epic mosh pits :D
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