Heroes of the Storm

Played a few games with him in, I was Abathur so could watch him in action pretty well. He seems pretty good for a tank. Decent damage and is pretty damn tough.

I am tempted to pick him up.
Played a couple of games in QM now, can't say he's anything special and find him a bit boring.

Both ults are ok and nothing more. Entomb can be blinked out of easily enough, the other can be move out of the hit range easily too.

Nice that you can res at your location but all in all i prefer other warriors. Won't be levelling to 10 like other new ones I don't think.
Played a few games with Leoric but lost all matches due to very bad teams :(

He has pretty good sustain and can deal quite abit of damage. But very slow indeed.

But as Sega Mega Dave has said, nothing special.
Played a few games with Leoric but lost all matches due to very bad teams :(

He has pretty good sustain and can deal quite abit of damage. But very slow indeed.

But as Sega Mega Dave has said, nothing special.

I'll be honest I've not enjoyed a single game playing him.

His escape/gap close is just too slow and predictable.
He's not overly tanky even with life steal.
No real CC apart from the slow which in solo QM is meaningless half the time.
Ults are average
Does decent amount of damage though.

I'd say he's a bruiser and not a tank, that said i'd rather play Anub' or Tyrael for that role and certainly would rather play Muradin or Johanna as a tank.


Wouldn't be too bad. Plenty of roots, stuns and when his tomb is down, blizzard and flame strike on it would wipe.
Hmm may wait until he drops to 10k then, i still haven't bought Abathur, 3 vikings, gazlowe or murky yet.....just don't fancy playing them.
Undecided about Leoric. I would say he is very circumstantial. Those who know he can be quite a paper tank will focus him and you are forced out of the melee rather quickly.

Left to his own devices he can wreak havoc though. I've been trying a Soul Steal build which is quite effective when you catch people off guard. They try to run but the +range and 10% damage dealt on full channel destroys them before they can get away. It's HUGELY effective against high HP heroes as it's a flat % skill. 35% of HP over 4 seconds if channelled fully.
Queue after queue of idiots in Hero League, so many rank 40 gimps now.

Stealing heroes "For my quest" and going AFk within 5 minutes or feeding the team to "Let them win" because they think the game is lost.

Edit - FINALLY a decent party! Went 32-0 on HL with ETC. Got some epic mosh pits :D

I used to try and play during the day/late at night to avoid most of the kids and ragers which seemed to work, however since the schools broke up the quality of my solo groups has dropped significantly. Had this guy frontlining as Valla against a Jaina Kael combo. Then called gg after we lost the first immortal. We won. Now I try to duo queue at least which is working better.
Looks like I might get in to this as a few people I know are playing it and keep trying to get me to play it. I did the tutorial just now and got to grips with the basics(never played this type of game before!). Is it worth buying the Starter pack?...Seems really cheap.

The starter bundle you can buy in game for £3.99 is well worth it.

7 day stimpack plus you get two very good heroes in Malfurion and Muradin. Malf is one of if not the best healer and Muradin is probably the best warrior right now. Raynor isn't too bad either but he's pretty boring to play.
Got Tyrael to level 10 now and master skinned, he looks bad ass on his Tyrael Charger mount too.

Love his play style, he's quickly jumping up the list along side Muradin, Zeratul and Jaina.

Does anyone else bother with master skins or is it only me daft enough to waste the gold on them? Currently got:

Got Tyrael to level 10 now and master skinned, he looks bad ass on his Tyrael Charger mount too.

Love his play style, he's quickly jumping up the list along side Muradin, Zeratul and Jaina.

Does anyone else bother with master skins or is it only me daft enough to waste the gold on them? Currently got:


Id rather buy new heros, but the jania master skin is really nice
Hmm may wait until he drops to 10k then, i still haven't bought Abathur, 3 vikings, gazlowe or murky yet.....just don't fancy playing them.

I play murky when Im feeling lazy as it really doesnt matter if I die :p
I was dead set against gazlowe then he annoyed me that much in a few rounds so I bought him. He can be great fun and able to push pretty hard
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