

I think of religions as franchise operations. Like chicken franchise operations. But that doesn't mean there's no chicken, right?

WILLIAM GIBSON, No Maps for These Territories

I know...I know.....

I have been busy with the EK build,but trust me,things have been going on in the back ground.

Namely....painting the GPU blocks and the XSPC AX rads.
The blocks started out clear and originally were just due a copper flake dusting and a clearcoat,sadly i underestimated the drag clear would have on flake and it pulled it. So that means a sand back and going with the case colours.
In this instance,black metallic,deep candy blue and copper flake.
The STRIX logo was infilled with copper electrode film.

They still need a little cutting back but the 1k Smart Acrylic I use takes an age to fully cure.


The rads got the same treatment too.



The EK build is due to finish very soon so I can get back to this beauty. I have to make the copper backplates and wrap overs yet for the GPU's,but at least I can block the cards now .

On the subject of paint,I have been asked a few times now for a spraying guide,I have just ordered a new LVLP gun which could be brilliant for hobby painters,low compressor requirements and very low material loss being the highlights.
When it comes,I will demo it.​
Looks awesome mate, fantastic effects with the paint. Doubt i'll ever have the cahoonas to paint anything, but I love watching masters at work!
So,now HeretEK is finished and fettled,my attention turns to IDORU. While polishing the res,I thought I would look at the matt black acrylic parts HEXGEAR sent to replace the unwanted white panels.

Looks bloody evil,If I was buying one,black on black is where its at....


Had my week off now its BACK TO WORK!!
I have been going great guns with the etching/patination for IDORU's GPU backplates.

Didnt come out exactly as planned,the mask was to small in some places to resist the chem assault and there was some bleeding during the deep etch process.

To make my life a bit simpler,Im going to do it the other way around,having the font and figure as the etched pieces and scaling them up more. This should prevent mask loss.

The next,and hopefully final,set of back plates will be lasercut rather than the handcut ones I made,I also need to get them cut from the same sheet,one plate was done in 2 hrs...the other is still 'cooking' now.....20hrs later. This can only mean the copper grades were significantly different,something I wish to avoid.

As a proof of concept,im liking the effect,will look significantly better once there is a deep gloss clear over the whole piece,it will give depth.

Chemicals used: 32% HCL with a 3% Peroxide kicker for the etching (50/50). 25% Ammonia and sea salt for the patination.

The polished plates ready for the dip.


'Flush yaw rads meester?'




You can see the bleeding from the HCL,nice if you want the antiqued effect but I want a clean,purposeful look.
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Its amazing just how good the range of cases are on the market now. Functional usage is excellent, but style is now important as well and this case represents that fact and looks fantastic!
That looks sooo cool mate, even with the (tiny) bleed, it was the last thing I noticed, the whole effect looks stunning!
This is stunning. Literally jaw dropping quality. Keep going!

this is so great

the cases are coming into stock soon too at hex gear

Its amazing just how good the range of cases are on the market now. Functional usage is excellent, but style is now important as well and this case represents that fact and looks fantastic!

That looks sooo cool mate, even with the (tiny) bleed, it was the last thing I noticed, the whole effect looks stunning!

Im glad you guys like it,I wanted to expand my skillset with this build,try new things not seen before. I wanted a good showcase of my ability as a modder and have something very unique.

Painting today.....;)
A little teaser of the paint....

The copper flaked panels need another 3-4 coats of clear as yet to smooth out the granulation from the flakes tho,they are not ready yet.





So boss......so Gangster....


If the clear has cured enough for handling then I may build it up tomorrow for a look at how it all gels together.
And thats me done for the day,bolts all cut back,rads and PSU fitted and the copper back panel is in place. Bolts are M8 bolts with button caps from Pro Bolt.


Im too scared to take it up into the loft to take 'studio' (lol) pics as the paint will still scratch easily even tho its hard enough to handle.....
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