I have been going great guns with the etching/patination for IDORU's GPU backplates.
Didnt come out exactly as planned,the mask was to small in some places to resist the chem assault and there was some bleeding during the deep etch process.
To make my life a bit simpler,Im going to do it the other way around,having the font and figure as the etched pieces and scaling them up more. This should prevent mask loss.
The next,and hopefully final,set of back plates will be lasercut rather than the handcut ones I made,I also need to get them cut from the same sheet,one plate was done in 2 hrs...the other is still 'cooking' now.....20hrs later. This can only mean the copper grades were significantly different,something I wish to avoid.
As a proof of concept,im liking the effect,will look significantly better once there is a deep gloss clear over the whole piece,it will give depth.
Chemicals used: 32% HCL with a 3% Peroxide kicker for the etching (50/50). 25% Ammonia and sea salt for the patination.
The polished plates ready for the dip.
'Flush yaw rads meester?'
You can see the bleeding from the HCL,nice if you want the antiqued effect but I want a clean,purposeful look.