Hiphop fans in here?

I tell ya, everything about pretty much all hiphop released these days is wrong. (apart from Kanye, who seems to be writing about fun, real life, everyday "you and me" stuff)

I was really into hip hop for many years. A DJ at The Go*Off in portsmouth, aswell as my own sets in a few pubs around southsea, portsmouth.

I played everything from A Tribe Called Quest to Jacko to The Incredible Bongo band and even included the odd peice of jazz, electro and rock in my sets..

Good music that all had a similarity.. IT WAS GOOD.

Now days Hip Hop has died in my opinion. It still may be massive, but the amount of carp released is a joke.

I've packed up all my records, sold my turntables (which i really regret) and bought a couple of guitars and got back into rock etc.

I remember when Tim Westwood actually played decent tunes.. You don't get much of that on his show now days.!!!
ElRazur said:
Aint nothing wrong with a Rap album being commercially succesful, i honestly think he deserved it as that album is a Classic and template for Hiphop period.

Naaahhhhhhhh, sorry but I could'nt disagree with you more even if I tried, what helped make hiphop special was the fact that it was'nt *commercialized*, yeh I agree tho, the chronic 2001 was a template, a template for all the **** hiphop that ensued after it and took over mtv.
denic2k6 said:
LOL , i hate westwood :mad:

Hes a good example of a PRAT

I dont understand why everyone hates Tim westwood, I honsetly dont know why. He's one of the people pushing UK on the hiphop map, Through the BBC he manages to reach loads of people with Special guest Rap artist that wont even roll with local radio station Djs man.

Give the guy a break, this is another example of us UK biting the head off of our own success.
ElRazur said:
I dont understand why everyone hates Tim westwood
because he's ****, a **** and sounds and looks ****ing stupid.

He's nothing but a laughing stock.
Gilly said:
because he's ****, a **** and sounds and looks ****ing stupid.

He's nothing but a laughing stock.

couldnt agree more, had the misfortune of seeing Pimp my Ride UK the other week. Westwood called a 1/2 pipe a 1/4 pipe and after being corrected by some other gimp he walked into the open boot of the car. smacking his head on it. was quite funny.
Gilly said:
because he's ****, a **** and sounds and looks ****ing stupid.

He's nothing but a laughing stock.

Your opinnion but i still dont agree, have you been to his rave, do you see how the blacks, whites and asians show him love? If is what you think he is how come he makes the top Dj poll every year? There's more reason to love him than hate him.

If you work as House keeper for a rich upperclass person, you will obviously talk posh and walk funny like them. If you work in the HIphop game, your lingo and spoken english changes to adapt to your audience and possibly your life style, He aint a laughing stock - He's interviewed just about all the Rap artist from all over the world, dont you think they will have spot that by now?

If anything he is cool, white and make his money. Now to finish off in his words - Halla and drop that bomb.
Clerkin said:
couldnt agree more, had the misfortune of seeing Pimp my Ride UK the other week. Westwood called a 1/2 pipe a 1/4 pipe and after being corrected by some other gimp he walked into the open boot of the car. smacking his head on it. was quite funny.

So that makes him what you guys think he is???

Gilly thinks he is this n that and you seem to agree to what he said, you then gave an example of him making a fool of himself or not showing the right knowledge in your view. Then, i am asking if that makes him what you and Gilly are reffering him too?

Hope you get it now. Me = Nigerian = English not first Language. :)
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westwood is an idiot. but Mr Razur's right, he's a pretty big driving force for hip hop in the UK, and you can tell this by the way prolific US artists respect him. he may be a bit of a corporate whore now, but he's done some great stuff for the UK hip hop scene (i feel so pretentious writing that by the way)
So, what do you guys think of UK hiphop? Im talking real hiphop not your Grime and Garage conversion beat being freestlyed over or something like that.

Who is a real hiphop artist in the UK

Can we beat the americans at theri own game - i.e videos, track production etc.

What happened to Klashnekoff, Skinny man and IceBerg Slim?
I don't know anything about current hiphop really. I used to **** off the entire genre as a waste of space.

BUT then I saw a documentary on late night C4 (I think) over Christmas hols about the emergence of hip hop from parties in the Bronx, how one DJ (I forget which one) realised there was a certain part in nearly every record where the song breaks down for a bit, and it gets really lively - and people dancing went nuts for it.

So be started chopping his records about, only playing those bits of each record one after the other - and of course everyone dancing went mad - and that's where the term "break beat" comes from - these lively parts of the records, played one after the other.

Then a few local DJs caught on, and started announcing local happenings and their next party over the music. Before long they started speaking in a kind of rhythm to match what they were playing. And so rapping was born. Quality.

Then it got big, Grandmaster Flash and that lot - even Blondie threw some rap into a tune called "Rapture" - it's quite cringey to hear it now but it was VERY new then.

I've looked up some of the old stuff and prefer it to what's about now. Kanye's pretty good, though I haven't heard enough of it really.

"Don't push me cos I'm close to the eeedge..."
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