Hiphop fans in here?

More fire crew (with the exception of Lethal bizzle)
Mike Skinner
All the so called "underground" artist from channel U on sky (well 90% of them)
Naila Boss (This is someone i know)

Skinny Man
SAS (holding it down in america now with the Diplomats)
ElRazur said:
More fire crew (with the exception of Lethal bizzle)
Mike Skinner
All the so called "underground" artist from channel U on sky (well 90% of them)
Naila Boss (This is someone i know)

Skinny Man
SAS (holding it down in america now with the Diplomats)

You do realise that Klashnekoff was one of the first new wave hip hop artists to get a record deal. Your list makes no sense. What separates Roll Deep from Klashnekoff? Who gives a **** that you know Naila Boss? Basically I cant be bothered to argue, as I have nothing to argue for. I like UK music. I dont like it when they put on american accents, as it is cheap, fake, unoriginal and uninspiring. No one else (bar you) likes it either. Did you know that Iceberg Slim is well hated in the UK scene for his selling out?

I have no need to prove a point. End. Im going to bed! I hope you have pleasant dreams of rolling on 24"s with your gold fronts while doing your laffy taffy dance :confused:

I used to feel sorry for you when the rest of OCuk made fun of you. PS. your grammar needs a lot of working on. I give you joke? What the hell does that mean? You should stop spending so much time with Naila Boss as you are picking up bad slang.
I don't even like hip hop really, but I thought I'd wonder into the thread. My god, how many statements are there that are just 'You like that music? I DON'T LIKE YOU!'. C'mon, grow up. Its even worse than the rock fans for gods sake. Enough with the music trolling?

As I said, the only thing I can think of which remotely could be called hip-hop is maybe a few outkast songs. What album would be a good place to start?
panthro said:
See, why are you all over my case man lol? Klashneekoff is a real artist = he's better than a studio artist.....You know we might pick this up next time, i dont see the point for the resto f your post. :confused: :confused: :D

Awwwwh :)
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Nitefly said:
I don't even like hip hop really, but I thought I'd wonder into the thread. My god, how many statements are there that are just 'You like that music? I DON'T LIKE YOU!'. C'mon, grow up. Its even worse than the rock fans for gods sake. Enough with the music trolling?

As I said, the only thing I can think of which remotely could be called hip-hop is maybe a few outkast songs. What album would be a good place to start?

Thank you, for that, most people who have contributed so far seem not to understand the idea of this thread.
Outkast is alright, you can get the album with Miss Jackson track on it, it is supposed to be good. :)
Everything I know to be hip hop and rap music is trash in my opinion. I'd love to be proved wrong with examples of classic music etc but I doubt my opinion will change.
Oliver said:
Everything I know to be hip hop and rap music is trash in my opinion. I'd love to be proved wrong with examples of classic music etc but I doubt my opinion will change.

Your opinion and you are entitle to it. Now my opinion - Hiphop is definitely not trash. :)
Spunj99 said:
******* Marion WHINE-ONS, Usher, Akon and all the other R'n'B ****-takes can die a horrible horrible death, please.
Don't put Usher in with those two please. He's a very talented guy. You might not like the music he's producing but I do, and I'll defend his right to make it from the likes of tasteless neandarthals like you tyvm :p

Not quite sure why he's been mentioned at all in this thread though tbh.
ElRazur said:
Thank you, for that, most people who have contributed so far seem not to understand the idea of this thread.
Outkast is alright, you can get the album with Miss Jackson track on it, it is supposed to be good. :)
You're the main culprit, spackcheese. Other people are trying to convince you that there are alternatives to gangsta rapping in a thug accent, and you don't seem to see it. All you're proving is that you're a victim of marketing hype. Well done for sticking it to the man, bro :rolleyes:

I genuinely believe that almost everything that comes out of the mainstream hip hop sector is utter dross - I give you that some of them have a great flow, better than you can find in the underground sometimes (check out Aesop Rock though) but their lyrics are tired, repetetive and ultimately pointless. For a medium that relied so much on the message it's a sad place to be left. The beats are the worst part, though - there's no variety at all. Every so often a new twist comes up on an old theme and it catches on until everybody's doing it, and then it disappears to be replaced by something even more derivative. The mainstream hip hop sector is led first and foremost by profit, and that's why it will never again produce great music.

Check out some stuff by Alias, Ugly Duckling, Sage Francis, Del, Atmosphere, Cannibal Ox, Aesop Rock, Buck 65, Non-Prophets, Sole or MF Doom to see the real variety available in hip hop today.

PS Anyone like Lady Sovereign? There's a UK artist who raps in anything but a US accent, and has an American record deal. Stick it.
Oliver said:
Everything I know to be hip hop and rap music is trash in my opinion. I'd love to be proved wrong with examples of classic music etc but I doubt my opinion will change.
That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it, but it makes you seem close-minded and ultimately very stupid.
Oliver said:
Everything I know to be hip hop and rap music is trash in my opinion. I'd love to be proved wrong with examples of classic music etc but I doubt my opinion will change.

that's fair enough. if you'd really love to be proved wrong, why dont you make the effort to go listen to some hip hop and find out for yourself? you can start with The Pharcyde - Labcabincalifornia. if you dont like that album, there must be something i'm hearing that you're not.

on a sidenote - the only thing that annoys me about hip hop (and it definitely is more prevelant with hip hop) is this big argument about who has a better reputation, essentially "how cool are you for listening to these artists?". you're all doing it now. "omg, you cant listen to Usher, how can you say that Akon's not great but Dizzee is?!" easy - i dont like Akon, but i like Dizzee. why are you trying to qualify your opinion with people who dont, and are never going to agree with you. they're not interested in seeing your opinion, and they're never going to take it on board, so why bother. you like your music, they like theirs. cant you just leave it at that?

how's about we make this thread about new/lesser-known artists for the benefit of hip hop fans...we could even try ignoring differences in taste so that we might further our own, or is that a bit too democratic?

i'll start us off. i dont know how popular he is, but i was recently sent a sampler of a guy call Sway, called "This is my Demo". if you're into Dizzee, you should give him a go if you havent already.

edit: Arcade Fire appears to have beaten me to it...thanks mate, i've got some names to check out there. i'll see your Lady Soverign and raise you a girl called Lady Paradox. she's fairly unknown, from Leicester - i think she's got something coming out soon. on myspace at
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Sic said:
how's about we make this thread about new/lesser-known artists for the benefit of hip hop fans...we could even try ignoring differences in taste so that we might further our own, or is that a bit too democratic?
Corking idea chap :)

Still my favourite hip-hop track is Express Yourself. Kanye has really hit home recently though. Loving his current stuff.
Gilly said:
Still my favourite hip-hop track is Express Yourself. Kanye has really hit home recently though. Loving his current stuff.

have you listened to Handsome Boy Modeling School? you must've heard "Holy Calamity", if you like Express Yourself, i think you'd really get into HBMS
Possibly heard it, but can't place it. Will check it out :)

Its not just Express Yourself, I like most of NWA's stuff. Or the tracks I've heard recently anyway, don't have that many any more.
Sic said:

I like your post. Yeap i heard of sway and i have seen him perform, he is one of the top uk hiphop act and you gotta give loads of credit. iirc he sold 10,000 copies of his mix tapes without even having a record deal!

Lady Sovereign im not too sure if she's got a deal but i read she's like in the U.S, having said that the article comes across as something put together by her PR people.

Im gonna check out the other artist later, i am at work at the moment and certain restrictions are in place of the computer here.
ElRazur said:
I like your post. Yeap i heard of sway and i have seen him perform, he is one of the top uk hiphop act and you gotta give loads of credit. iirc he sold 10,000 copies of his mix tapes without even having a record deal!

he's supposed to be an awesome performer, and what he's saying is pretty relevant, about piracy and stuff (i felt guilty for getting a free copy of his sampler after i heard that track...don't worry, i got over it)

problem for me is, that if you're into Hip Hop in the UK, you may as well forget seeing anything live if you're not in London or prepared to travel there. everywhere round here is really dry for live performances.
Arcade Fire said:
You're the main culprit, spackcheese. Other people are trying to convince you that there are alternatives to gangsta rapping in a thug accent, and you don't seem to see it. All you're proving is that you're a victim of marketing hype. Well done for sticking it to the man, bro :rolleyes:

I love Hiphop and that Covers Rap, Hardcore Rap, Gangsta Rap, Grime, R n B, Crunk etc. I am open minded in terms of Hiphop. As per the accent stuff, all im saying is I dont have problem with an Artist trying to do it the american way, if it sells them record good for him/her.

If you are an Artist wont you wanna be sucessful commercially? :confused: and i guess that will make you a Hype??
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