Hiphop fans in here?

Good beat but I can't help but think that it would just sound that bit better with an American accent over it.

I think the Scottish accent gives it a sort of charm! As much as I prefer US to UK with regards to Hiphop, I think this works really well.

Each to their own though I suppose ;)

Love the first beat, its awesome. Can't stop listening to it!

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There was about a 4 year window in the 90s where rap was awesome. Everything before that was rubbish and 90% of stuff after was rubbish.


Just got a signed copy of this album (paid for it 5 mins ago). Pretty mint so far. The albums a bit like RJD2/Mr. Lif / MF doom vibe.
I'll pay for the other albums tomorrow I think.

Just been speaking to one of them on FB as well...Bonus.
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Gotta love some Rakim:

Also was listening to the Slim Shady LP this morning, I'd forgotten how good this song is:

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