Just a quick update. I had a letter yesterday to tell me that the guy who hit me has had a court summons. He's up for driving without a license, failing to stop and driving without insurance on 27th May. What do you reckon he'll get? Smacked bum and £20 fine, payable in 500 monthly installments of 4p?
My back got much worse a few weeks after the accident, so I've had a couple of sessions with a chiro which has made a massive difference. I actually got my first whole night's sleep without waking up due to it hurting on Saturday
On the insurance front, I'm still wrangling with the insurance company over the payout and the guy dealing with the third party claim has had no response from the insurance company of the girl who owned the car. They reckon that whether she gave him permission or not, the insurance company has to pay out, but we'll see. Fingers crossed!
In other news, I
really miss my car