Hitman Blood Money Demo coming soon

The AA slider does not seem to move for me?All other sliders set to max no problem. Game looks sweet :)
EDIT: Using the 84.56 Forceware drivers.
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Running perfectly well on my system, 6800GT, Athlon 3000XP Barton and 1Gb Crucial DDR400 @1024x768 with detail turned up to max.

I'm impressed with the demo. Will definately be buying on the day of release. :)
well i finally got it working, apparently i didn't have a certain direct x dll file so i downloaded that and it ran fine on my

A64 3500
6600 GT
1gig ram

no slow down at all, i was playing it in 1024 by whatever. good game but i hope the hint thingy is just occasional otherwise your just following aload of hints to finsh the mission. some things i didn't do as i was supposed to and i thought it was good how i didn't get penalised.

for instance, instead of poisoning the secretary i let her escort me out of her office where by i turned around and smacked her in the face with a fire exstinguisher instead :D
wacked into full details it looks nice. it just plays too slow, its like splinter cell with max payne 2 graphics.

Ive never really liked stealth type games (apart from thief and splinter cell 1)
Seeing as that was the 'training level' I hope the rest of the game isn't that linear. Hitman 2 was way more open-ended than this. I do like the addition of hand-to-hand combat, though, as it was rather irritating getting caught up close after a failed fiber-wire attempt back in Hitman 2.

I'll be buying this, although probably not until after exams are over.
got this pre ordered on PC, but I do have a 360 but I reckon the graphics wont be that great on a 360 port and also it will be easier to play with a mouse and keyboard
It did seem a bit linear compared to the older Hitman games, but then it was a training mission so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Other that that it seemed good.
MrMoon said:
got this pre ordered on PC, but I do have a 360 but I reckon the graphics wont be that great on a 360 port and also it will be easier to play with a mouse and keyboard

You think? I think the graphics look excellent on the 360 (I've seen gameplay movies) and I think it's made for console control wise, considering you don't need split second perfect control like a FPS. I'm getting it on 360 so I'll let you know how it controls :)
Ran fine for me, only problem was that glitch where you could see like the shadows from a great distance and through buildings. But i think that is more of a game glitch then my computer as someone has already mentioned a similar problem.

Ran it at high, 1280x960 runs like a dream :) (specs in sig)
Download worked the second time for me. This is at medium detail with shadows on high:



terrible performance?

just tried this demo and was rather annoyed :(

it runs terribly for me, like 10fps, some instants it will shoot upto 40+ then it drops again, i went into the 1st building, and its all juddery when i turn around and as soon as i stop moving fps goes up into the 40's :confused: :confused:

it made no difference going from lowest detail to the highest either :eek:

p4 2.8ghz
2gb pc3200
ati x800xt pe running with cats 6.3

really wierd :( looked like a cool game too
So glad I didn't move out of halls early :D downloading at a steady 1000kB/s

I loved hitman2, contracts was far too short for my liking and i never really played the first one (so at least contracts wasn't all just repeats for me :))

can't wait for the demo.

:p 35% in firefox thinks 8mins to go :p
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