Hitman Blood Money Demo coming soon

Davey_Pitch said:

Cant remember now but remember reading something along the lines of the missions after the first will be more open. :)

Its a training mission (well it say will show you how to get used to controls) or something after all it says it at beginning. :p :)
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Well, good to know it doesn't try to hand hold you through anything other than the first mission. One of the joys of Hitman was always trying to find the perfect way to do each assignment. I remember writing a review on Hitman 2 for a website, the open ended nature of the game really came into it's own when I replayed each level several times for the review.
From the hitman blood money somethingawful thread about the difficulty settings in the game.

Difficulty Settings

* Rookie: Being a rookie gets you infinite saves, an accommodating A.I., and full Agency assistance. You don't have to worry about Agent 47's notoriety at this level.
* Normal: At normal difficulty, you get seven saves per level, regular A.I. behavior, and normal Agency assistance. Agent 47's notoriety level will affect his world.
* Expert: Only three saves per level. The A.I. hits harder, and the Agency helps less. 47 is a victim of his own notoriety, and the evidence he leaves behind will start to haunt him.
* Pro: No saves. The A.I. goes to the wall, the Agency treats you like a rented mule, and your actions will come back to bite you. Leave evidence behind and you might as well wear a target.

The 'Agency help' refers to the help given at the top of the screen. Sorry the original source for this is unknown.
animatronic said:
the Agency treats you like a rented mule

Haha. That bit made me laugh. I cant wait to buy this game, i loved the originals. I still need to download the demo but its freakin huge :eek: will do it tomorrow.
Nice game, similar to hitman:chronicles the copy I got with an x800gt and quickly passed on in favor of an x800gto @16 pipes. Its rendered with HDR? There is a lot of sun rays through windows, but ATI need to get ontop of the drivers since, as mentioned shadows do appear where they are not wanted. Especially seeing shadows through a character.

Framerate runs great on my pc, opteron 146 @2.7Ghz, 2Gb ram, x800gto@16 550/490. Was slightly concerned when other x800 series users reported 5fps. Seemed smooth at 1280 * 1024, all details maxed. I'd say 40fps but didnt have ATItraytools installed for its fps counter.

Pretty nice game for a single player, recently play the demo of evolution gt too, and thats pretty fun too.
Davey_Pitch said:
I've got an X800 Pro and had no framerate issues at all :)

Same for me, except mine's flashed to an XTPE.

I ran it at 1024x768, 2xAA, with textures + detail on high, no problems at all.
Been playing the game and have found that for me its best not taking any weapons on the missions with me, also seems like i have to die 8-10 times before i can find the person/safe route. As for the graphics they arent that great some of the deatils dont quite look right, but other than that im fairly enjoying the game. Hopefully when i get my new gfx card it will look better.
Same here Frosti, I loved the first but the 2nd and 3rd I didint even bother with. This one hower is fantastic I think!

Runs fine on my machine (A64 3700, 2GB RAM, X1900XTX)

Frosti said:
Runs fine on my machine

A64 3700
2Gb of Ram

2xaa 4xaf @ 1280x1024 all on high

I was a big fan of the original hitman but I didn't like the sequels. This seems like a good return to form. Looking at the reviews the missions look quite varied too. Will definitely be getting this one.
megatron said:

Lol, Contracts

I'm still thinking wether to get blood money for pc only £17.99

Anyone know if i'll be able to run it on max with

P4 3.2Ghz HT, 1gig of ram ( i think its samsung 4400 ) and X800 XT??? It's a dell aswell xpsgen4. I'd probably only run it with 1024x768 as my monitors 17" :D

It's just that i've heard some peeps have been having problemos running it.


It runs fine on my machine (AMD64 3800+, X1800XL, 2GB) but I have to turn off shadowing and some depth processing thingy as they make me see through walls and people for some reason.
Whta happens if you pull a gun out in the middile of the crowd?

I noticed in a couple of official screenies here Agent 47 had a gun out and nearby people didnt seem to be reacting.
It just crashes to the desktop before even getting to the main menu :( Screen goes black for couple of seconds and then crashes with no error message :(

I've got the latest drivers for my vid card and everything so i dont see what the problem is.
Reppyboyo said:
Whta happens if you pull a gun out in the middile of the crowd?

I noticed in a couple of official screenies here Agent 47 had a gun out and nearby people didnt seem to be reacting.

Agent 47, depending on the weapon, will conceal the gun by hiding it behind his back. In a place where people can see what you're hiding behind your back it causes problems. They do infact stare at you for a while cause they're probably suspicious about the inevitable doom in your right hand.
Last Kronin said:
Been playing the game and have found that for me its best not taking any weapons on the missions with me, also seems like i have to die 8-10 times before i can find the person/safe route. As for the graphics they arent that great some of the deatils dont quite look right, but other than that im fairly enjoying the game. Hopefully when i get my new gfx card it will look better.
Right click hides the weapon in his jacket, and donning a disguise helps to. Press ctrl for "sneak", try sneaking up on the bimbo at the end of the level ;).

A few things I couldnt work out after completing the demo 2 or 3 times.

1)How do u "use the guard as a human sheild"?

2)How do u distract the guards with a coin at the start? I can drop a coin but unless there is another route than out the door u walk right past them and they arent blind or deaf.

3)How do u "arm the bomb" after u place it on the winch? I just drop it next to the winch and all I can do is pick it up again - and the winch doesnt respond. I end up having to take care of the gangsters with more convensional means.
For the bomb u need to switch to the detonator, as for the human shield, sneak up and look at the top left screen to c wheter it says e or sapce for human shield as for the coin you will see a circle cross hair for when you can throw the coin, hope that helps
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