Hitman Blood Money Demo coming soon

The demo level is very linear to introduce people in to the game and the way things work. The full game isn't like this at all and is very open ended.
NeoReloaded said:
Im running on a:
AMD 64 3500+
1 Gig Ram
X800 XT PE

On every setting, ultra high, high, medium, low i cant get above 8 fps :confused:

What's going on :*(

Enable fast writes in your bios AGP settings, worked for me
Lee2k4 said:
A64 3700
Geforce 6600 GT
1 Gig ram

It runs horrible, saying that I am running the latest forceware beta drivers.

Ran nicely on mine in 1280 x 1024 with everything on, no AA and medium textures

And thats not even pushing mine ...
I managed to complete the opera level in 1:44 with the rating "The Ghost" although I did have weapon upgrades from later levels...

Runs fine on my scrapheap. A64 3200+ 1gb of GEIL pc3200 and a leadtek a400 winfast 6800 128mb graphics card.

Everything on high, AA off, 1280 x 1024 res.
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Played the demo at 1280x1024 due to my main monitor being broke at the moment otherwise it would have been 1680x1050. Anyhow the game ran like a dream! Really looking forward to it! my pre-order has been shipped and will hopefully be here tomorrow.


Athlon 64 4000+ @ 2.62ghz
Abit Fatal1ty AN8 SLI
Galaxy Geforce 7900GT @ 550/780
G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 @ 250mhz
Hitachi Deskstar T7K250 160GB
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 120GB
520w OCZ Powerstream PSU
Philips 200W6CS 20" Widescreen Monitor (Awaiting Replacement :()
Creative GigaWorks 7.1 S750
Im just in the bit in lt goodys post, got a bit bored so started to kill everyone. My best rating is phantom killer which was for the mission just before that, really liked that bit with the ether, that perv deserved what he got. Pity there wasnt any cutscenes when a succesful boobytrap works eg the barbecue.
28 kills, 52 shots, 11 headshots and I was described as an "experienced shooter with limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm". Using the pistol and dragonuv.

I just got talented marksman when I tried again with the shotgun, few shots were wasted and 12 headshots.
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Seiken said:
I managed to complete the opera level in 1:44 with the rating "The Ghost" although I did have weapon upgrades from later levels...

Runs fine on my scrapheap. A64 3200+ 1gb of GEIL pc3200 and a leadtek a400 winfast 6800 128mb graphics card.

Everything on high, AA off, 1280 x 1024 res.

And you have the game already? Where'd you get it?
I just played the demo and all i can say is that is hella awesome! Its such an improvement on the previous games, and the graphics are superb. IMO. I was running 1280x1024 with everything set on maximum and got a constant 40fps all the way through the map. Favorite part of the game was sniping the seagulls hehe. They're a pest round here! :D And i love the part at the end of the map where you are supposed to finish off your target, i searched the room before hand and found a hammer so i chose the messiest way to finish him off lol :D this is a definate buy. They have done a great job.
Well, performance was fantastic... so long as I don't move the mouse!

If the real deal performs better, I can see myself enjoying this loads :)
Full game here also.

1280x1024 resolution, all details @ high and 4x AF, 2xAA (Could be 4xAA , at college atm can't remember what I set it at) very smooth gameplay and 10x better than the other games.
The demo is great, especially the performance. The game looks great and always stays above 30fps on the my 6800 with most of the settings maxed out.

Looks like one to buy.
Its out on bit torrents, thats how!

I might download the demo but seaing as water leaked all over my 6800 gt a while back, I dont think my ati 8500 le will play it ;(
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