Hitman Blood Money Demo coming soon

ive got to say, ive just installed the fdemo, and its the best graphics ive seen for a long time for this kind of game.
been running it maxxed out and it is simply beautiful. this is deffo one for the list !!
it doesnt seem to have that annoying blocked animation type thing that tomb raider has either, like when you know each action is timed, and dont really flow.
Number 47 is as smooth as anything, kicks lauras hot pants any day !

I agree with you regarding the graphics,I'm running the full game on the Dell 24" and it looks amazing with 8af and 6AA.Great gameplay also,only just started but I enjoyed the 1st level,taking out the drug barons son by bombing the winch in the wine cellar and crushing him with the crate was a great laugh.

By the way,who the hell is Laura?
ive got to say, ive just installed the fdemo, and its the best graphics ive seen for a long time for this kind of game.
been running it maxxed out and it is simply beautiful. this is deffo one for the list !!
it doesnt seem to have that annoying blocked animation type thing that tomb raider has either, like when you know each action is timed, and dont really flow.
Number 47 is as smooth as anything, kicks lauras hot pants any day !

I really love this game too, got the Full version, and it looks and play's great. Just finished Tomb Raider Legend last week and well "Lauras hot pants" Say no more ;)
bigG said:
I really love this game too, got the Full version, and it looks and play's great. Just finished Tomb Raider Legend last week and well "Lauras hot pants" Say no more ;)

Its Bloody Lara! you illiterate fools. :D
Bah, doesnt work. Any ideas what this means? Somethign to do with directX 9?

already have, but ill check for any updates.

EDIT - Nope, still borked. Ah well, just gonna have to take it off, looked good too :(

EDIT2 - Got it, downloaded the DLL file off the net and it works now :D
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Played demo. Impressed immensely. Ordered. :D

Edit: Plays uber smooth and looks nice 1680x1050 4xAA 8xAF on the x1900xt with cat 6.5's.
get a min of 20 and an average of about 24/5 on a vanilla geforce 6800 PCI-E at 1280x1024 2xaa 4xaf, not bad, its still really playable...
I've been playing the demo of this and loving it also, but what control setup do yo uuse? Assume you use keyboard and mouse, what are your main key configs (i.e. Action, Drop, Pickup etc)?

I'm loving it but cant get a good control setup... would it be better with my logitech RumblePad II?

Also is the full game more stealthy? the demo isn't very stealthy at all, and seem to be plenty of gun fights? I love the stealth genre!
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keogh said:
I've been playing the demo of this and loving it also, but what control setup do yo uuse? Assume you use keyboard and mouse, what are your main key configs (i.e. Action, Drop, Pickup etc)?

I'm loving it but cant get a good control setup... would it be better with my logitech RumblePad II?

Also is the full game more stealthy? the demo isn't very stealthy at all, and seem to be plenty of gun fights? I love the stealth genre!
It's as stealthy as you want it to be. ;)
Roduga said:
However, you do need to kill that clown. I hate clowns.

Yeah I don't like the look of him, clowns freak me out! Ill take pleasure in pumping that punk full of lead... in a stealthy way of course :)
Reppyboyo said:
Just finished the game, excellent ending!

I was rather bad at stealth, allmost all but one missions turned into a blood bath. :)
I kill a lot of people, but it's always 1 bullet to the head.

Did you do the final mission that was hidden?
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