HMS Daring

Balddog said:
Save your silly flippant trolling remarks for someone who cares mate..

Thats not what Iraq was about and you know it...There were many reasons why we went into Iraq.
so you accept 100% that we were lied to about Iraq?

why trust our government ever again?
Nana said:

should I be living in fear? what do you all know that I don't?

Thats the problem, you just dont know. An easy way to find out though is to do as you suggest and give up our military forces.
Well, this thread has taken a turn for the worst and gone all political and how Britain is hated and we are war mongers etc..

To me, the Royal Navy are as much a part of Britain as is London Bus or a Black Cab. Not to compare a huge powerful destroyer to a means of transport, but you just have to accept it. Without the Navy to protect our shores, help to curb drug runners, pirates and assist our allies I’m sure you’d be complaining next about how you can’t walk on the beach without being shot at, or offered the latest drug. Well, perhaps a little exaggerated with my statement, but in the end the Royal Navy are here to protect us, to deter any aggressor and to play a vital support role in the fight against drugs and pirates etc..

I for one am proud to know the Royal Navy are being fitted out with newer Aircraft Carriers, newer destroyers and that the Navy is being upgraded to fight the new era of technical warfare, as well as continue to defend our shores. As mentioned if it wasn’t for the Royal Navy we’d, as a nation, would have been invaded years ago.

I agree that at times there are some choices made in regards to our military strength being questionable, and being deployed for the wrong reasons, Iraq is a hotly debated issue (was it for freedom, or for oil etc), even the new announcement of troops being sent to Afghanistan is a hot issue, and that sometimes the British forces are seen upon as reserves for the USA, sometimes acting as canon fodder, but in the end the Royal Navy is vital for the survival of the United Kingdom, and I for one salute the news of new vessels. This, for once is money I feel is being well spent, regardless of how much firepower the ships have, regardless of what many feel the ships will be used for. They are a statement of showing that if anyone feels they can act aggressively towards Britain we have the ability to defend ourselves.

I fail to see how this thread has turned like it has.
Nana said:
now you're just putting word into my mouth.

How can an enormous death spitting war machine be used entirely benevolently?


My god man, what is wrong with you? Its the simplest of concepts...

An action may have MORE THAN ONE cause that led up to it.
melchy said:
There are still some big players around in the world that could cause us a problem if we didnt maintain an effective deterent. Its not all about Iraq/Iran etc.
Who is about to invade us?

I still love the concept of buying these ships to stop drug runners... truly hilarious.
Nana, we may not be under any threat any more, but most of are open minded enough to see that at some point it could be a possiblity.
Nana said:
so you accept 100% that we were lied to about Iraq?

why trust our government ever again?

So go live overseas until we get a tory government in, give us some peace from your "I am holier than thou" rhetoric

>| Raoh |<
Nana said:

should I be living in fear? what do you all know that I don't?
WHO ISN'T?????

That's the problem.


We have to have a military defence force in place because if we were subjected to any kind of attack from a hostile force (not necessarily another country) and did not have the manpower and equipment to respond, we would be otherthrown in a very short matter of time.
Nana said:
so you accept 100% that we were lied to about Iraq?

why trust our government ever again?

Im sorry, what has this got to do with the discussion at hand?

Are you reading from a script or something?
The Royal Navy is the envy of the world, I don't know if it's still the case but they train other navies around the world.

When my Dad was in (Fleet Air Arm), he was seconded to the Australians for 2 years to set up their Fleet Air Arm.

(Fly Navy!)
big_white_dog84 said:
Good post tecman.
I forgot about piracy - we also need a good fleet to combat this ever present threat to our trade routes.

I was ridiculed for making this point earlier.

Never have I seen such close minded drivel in my life.
Lopéz said:
WHO ISN'T?????

That's the problem.


We have to have a military defence force in place because if we were subjected to any kind of attack from a hostile force (not necessarily another country) and did not have the manpower and equipment to respond, we would be otherthrown in a very short matter of time.

Lopez.. please look down... right now that the floor has your attention, speak to that, you'll get about 4.6times the intelligence out of it, i'm already talking to my Fuchs Silkolene Pen

>| Raoh |<
fatiain said:
Nana, I believe Switzerland does have a navy, it's not very famous as they don't have a side line in pocket knives.

They have one "warship" on Lake Geneva. What they do with it is anybody's guess, but I suppose if you spend all you time hiding behind the "neutral" flag you don't really need any armed forces. I suppose that's why they lent their troops to the pope. :D
of course these ships are crucial in the fight against pirates, with their fantastic air threat capability, obviously we need aircraft carrier defense ships because pirates have the capability to destroy aircraft carriers. :/
Nana said:
Who is about to invade us?

I still love the concept of buying these ships to stop drug runners... truly hilarious.

I dont know, do you ?

Thats entirely the problem there. If we lived in a world where we could be certain that it would never happen we would indeed have no need for such forces. Unfortunately we do not. Even if i was to take the approach the no-one is likely to invade us at the moment, that doesnt mean that in 10 - 20 years time that the situation will be the same. For arguments sake lets say China invades Taiwan in 5 years time and as a result China's stance towards the west become somewhat more frosty. I think we'd be somewhat glad of our military power at the start of a new cold war.
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