HMS Daring

Freefaller said:
It's a necessary evil I'm afraid in this day and age.
Engines aren't evil, a reasonable good friend of mine owns a monohull 32 foot speedboat with 2x8.6 litre Jaguar outboards..... holy moly, it is actually frightening.

Freefaller said:
It's a necessary evil I'm afraid in this day and age.

True Freefaller a modern well equipped and capable armed forces is a requirement these days and better safe than sorry.

SCM said:
Been enough documentaries showing he did make peace overtures after France fell and Churchill told him where to go and also speaking of his high regard for Britain. Hess flew into Britain in 1940 to try to petition Britain to make peace with Germany. So there were attempts at peace but quite rightly these were rejected.....

Read a biography on Hitler. He pretty much turned on everyone he ever made an agreement with to suit his own needs. As soon as he got what he wanted you were no use to him. That applied to countries, collegues, party members even friends. The amazing thing was how he got away with it for so many years.
Sparky191 said:
Read a biography on Hitler. He pretty much turned on everyone he ever made an agreement with to suit his own needs. As soon as he got what he wanted you were no use to him. That applied to countries, collegues, party members even friends. The amazing thing was how he got away with it for so many years.

Fear he had power, the force to back it up and wasn't afraid to use it. In the later years after 1940 how much of this chaning personality was down to his personal doctor is anyones guess as he was being pumped full of so many different drugs these were bound to make him even more irrational.

As my link later in the post showed he did try for peace, never wanted to fight us but in the end had no choice as Churchill recognised the danger of him and fought on.

SCM said:
Fear he had power, the force to back it up and wasn't afraid to use it. In the later years after 1940 how much of this chaning personality was down to his personal doctor is anyones guess as he was being pumped full of so many different drugs these were bound to make him even more irrational.

As my link later in the post showed he did try for peace, never wanted to fight us but in the end had no choice as Churchill recognised the danger of him and fought on.

Just like he signed a treaty with every other country he invaded. It was a ruse nothing else. He was a known evil twisted nut even by the 20's.
HMS Daring will be equipped with a state of the art air defence system which will be able to track and destroy a target the size of a cricket ball travelling three times the speed of sound

Sounds impressive, could they take out a inbound nuke to the UK?
SCM said:
There has been a lot of history channel documentaries that have said pretty much said what the link is confirming from his own generals etc, that Hitler didn't want war with us and held us in high regard. He wanted peace so he could concentrate fully on his real objective Russia but we never accepted any peace overtures and said get lost.


The History Channel is hmmmm.... I stopped watching it, their simplified approach to history might be accessable to viewers but its hardly renowned for its accuracy. Again, i've read the diaries of the principal players on the British side, they don't mention these repeated overtures. I'm not saying you are wrong, maybe you are right, but as far as i am aware apart from the unsanctioned mission by Hess, and a feeler put out via(IIRC) Switzerland in 1945 there was only the expectation that Britain would sue after the fall of France.
Stolly said:
The History Channel is hmmmm.... I stopped watching it, their simplified approach to history might be accessable to viewers but its hardly renowned for its accuracy. Again, i've read the diaries of the principal players on the British side, they don't mention these repeated overtures. I'm not saying you are wrong, maybe you are right, but as far as i am aware apart from the unsanctioned mission by Hess, and a feeler put out via(IIRC) Switzerland in 1945 there was only the expectation that Britain would sue after the fall of France.

The link i posted earlier actually had the author interviewing some of Hitlers generals etc and they confirm that in 1940 he wasn't looking to continue fighting Britain. He held us in high regard due to the Royal Navy etc and was hoping we would settle for Germany ruling Europe and us letting them do it unopposed.

Thing is Churchill knew what was right and didn't back down and accept peace, he knew the fight had to go on.

lucasade1 said:
Well I'm sorry to see this thread turn out like this, to be honest Nana I wish you had never come in.

I look forward to the new Aircraft Carriers (HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales) which are 3 times the size of the current Invinsbile class and nearly as big as the Nimitz class :)

As do i, its high time we got back true capabilty in this area.

Side discussion - Given the fact that the CVF can operate conventional carrier aircraft, what is the true utility of a V/STOL aircraft.

Given that the US is being cagey about the JSF technology transfer and may even cancel the F-35B altogether, do we really need the JSF at all ? We could get navalised Typhoons for the same money, they are more capable and we will own all the technology.
SCM said:
The link i posted earlier actually had the author interviewing some of Hitlers generals etc and they confirm that in 1940 he wasn't looking to continue fighting Britain. He held us in high regard due to the Royal Navy etc and was hoping we would settle for Germany ruling Europe and us letting them do it unopposed.

Thing is Churchill knew what was right and didn't back down and accept peace, he knew the fight had to go on.


Ah, well thats not quite the same as activley pursuing peace, he did expect us to fold, and we would have had Halifax wanted to be PM, but as you say Churchill was made of sterner stuff.
The Mad Rapper said:
I like it TBH. It's similar to (and apparently a vast improvement on) the US Ticonderoga class, which you can read about here.

Nice to see the UK ahead on defence technology terms for once ;)

Yeah but didnt they bring out the Ticonderoga like 30 years ago? :o
The Mad Rapper said:
I like it TBH. It's similar to (and apparently a vast improvement on) the US Ticonderoga class, which you can read about here.

Nice to see the UK ahead on defence technology terms for once ;)

Ticonderoga is a missile cruiser, i.e. an offensive weapons platform.

The Type 45 (Horizon, I think they are called, no?) is an AAW, Anti-Air-Warfare platform. Thus, it is a defensive ship.

Therefore, you can't really compare them.
If I remember rightly the ticonderoga is in fact an Anti Aircraft platform. It uses the Aegis system for tracking and targetting incoming missles, it is designed as an escort for the U.S carriers, that are vunerable against massed anti ship cruise missle strike launched from russian MPA/bombers.

As we've all seen in Iraq/Afganistan it is fitted with cruise missles for strikes against land targets and ofcourse is fitted with anti ship and anti submarine weapons
wordy said:
If I remember rightly the ticonderoga is in fact an Anti Aircraft platform. It uses the Aegis system for tracking and targetting incoming missles, it is designed as an escort for the U.S carriers, that are vunerable against massed anti ship cruise missle strike launched from russian MPA/bombers.

As we've all seen in Iraq/Afganistan it is fitted with cruise missles for strikes against land targets and ofcourse is fitted with anti ship and anti submarine weapons

Correct to an extent. Tico's are multi-role but the Arleigh Burke DDG have AEGIS too and their role includes AAW as well as ASW and ASuW.
How do these ships defend the fleet?

Say they are part of a battle group with a carrier at the heart, do they deploy these Anti-Aircraft/Anti-missile defense boats in a circle around the carrier, and then I assume they are all linked into the central command structure of the carrier with AWACS and long range radar/patrols sent out from the carrier.

Say this is the case and the carrier comes under attack from 5 exocet missiles (would exocet's be used nowadays? or is it more likely to be something else? like a harpoon (i'm reeling off random uninformed stuff from what I remember from games like LOMAC, F117 etc. :))

How would these ships then defend the carrier? do they have tracking and missiles to be able to reliably take out any incoming fire?
SCM said:
The link i posted earlier actually had the author interviewing some of Hitlers generals etc and they confirm that in 1940 he wasn't looking to continue fighting Britain. He held us in high regard due to the Royal Navy etc and was hoping we would settle for Germany ruling Europe and us letting them do it unopposed.

Thing is Churchill knew what was right and didn't back down and accept peace, he knew the fight had to go on.


I know all that. But again everyones making the assumption based on what Hitler said. Since he was well known for sudden U-Turns in contradiction to what he said, why would you believe anything he said. Actions speak louder than words. Even if he had made the agreement he would have broken it as soon as he had resources to do so. Power crazed insane dictator.
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