HMS Daring

Nana said:
patronising. thanks.

I've travelled quite extensively. And I accept your point in fact, I haven't met any individual person who specifically hated Englishness. I think what I am driving at, is our actions in the last 6 years, have earned us a lot more resentment - maybe not from developed nations, but certainly in the middle east.

I'm not sure how you know exactly what the average north korean or iranian or palestinian thinks, but I'll take your word for it. You must have spoken to one heck of a lot of people to be making statements like that.

Even if the boers was 100 years ago, it is still not our finest hour.

Are you going to judge every country on what they did over 100 years ago? It was a different context in the world. Pre-WWs for one - grow up.

On that note, I doubt the average person in Africa was there or even remembers it happening. There is nothing connecting us to them today, so why would they resent us. You speak out of your ***, how about you go LEARN about the world rather than spouting some socialist, marxist dribble that you've picked up somewhere.

Other countries who 'hate' us, hmm I guess that must all be the middle-east. Oh wait, it's because of globalistation or westernisation they 'supposidly' hate us. The truth is, globalisation was happening before the Romans. The past 6 years you say? Wow, just because a few minorities dislike us because they're extremist idiots who actually believe the **** they're fed manage to get on the news. You ever realised that news is always bad?

Seriously, you don't even merit me explaining this to you. Grow up.
The type 45 propulsion fit is 2 750 vdc electric motors, the armature of the motor being mated to the shaft. 750 v dc derived from 600v ac fed into a convertor. 440 vac derived from MG (Motor generator) sets, 600v ac motor driving a 440v ac generator. For sprint speed in excess of what the electric motors can provide will be a gas turbine connected to the shaft via a clutch and gearbox. This prpulsion technology has its origins dating back to the 2 www and more recently before the Type 45's is fitted to the Type 23's
SCM said:
Been enough documentaries showing he did make peace overtures after France fell and Churchill told him where to go and also speaking of his high regard for Britain. Hess flew into Britain in 1940 to try to petition Britain to make peace with Germany. So there were attempts at peace but quite rightly these were rejected.

Found this webby explains a bit more about the peace attempts and Hitlers regard for Britain.


Hess was not acting on the request of Hitler, and despite his stated admiration none of these feelers reached Churchill, in any concrete way. They expected us to fold of our own accord. I've read his diaries and that of Lord Alanbroke, the effective head of the military during most of the war and neither of them mention this.
Hmm, the electrical power is supplied by
two WR-21 advanced cycle gas turbine engines with intercooler and recuperator (ICR) heat exchangers, which provides significant space and fuel savings. The recuperator recovers energy from the exhaust gases to increase fuel efficiency. Each engine will provide 25 MW. The engines will be built by a team led by Rolls-Royce and Northrop Grumman.
Propulsion will be provided by
The recently ordered Type 45 Daring Class Destroyers for the Royal Navy will be powered by two 20MW ALSTOM Advanced Induction Motors and controlled by our latest PWM system, the VDM 25000

MY hope is that the heat exchangers work well. One particular land-based application of gas turbines gave the tank in questions a massive infra-red signature when idling. Easier to hide on a ship that size but bigger engines would mean more heat.
Stolly said:
Hess was not acting on the request of Hitler, and despite his stated admiration none of these feelers reached Churchill, in any concrete way. They expected us to fold of our own accord. I've read his diaries and that of Lord Alanbroke, the effective head of the military during most of the war and neither of them mention this.

There has been a lot of history channel documentaries that have said pretty much said what the link is confirming from his own generals etc, that Hitler didn't want war with us and held us in high regard. He wanted peace so he could concentrate fully on his real objective Russia but we never accepted any peace overtures and said get lost.

Well I'm sorry to see this thread turn out like this, to be honest Nana I wish you had never come in.

I started this thread to show and remind people of the ever changing royal navy. I for one am proud of our Royal Navy history which includes this huge battle honners list:

1588 The Spanish Armada
1652 Battle of Dungeness
1690 Battle of Beachy Head
1692 Battle of La Hougue
1692 Battle of Plaisance (Placentia)
1759 Battle of Quiberon Bay and Battle of Lagos
1780 Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1780)
1781 Battle of the Chesapeake and Battle of Dogger Bank (1781)
1782 Battle of St. Kitts and Battle of the Saintes
1794 The Glorious First of June
1797 Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1797)
1798 Battle of the Nile
1801 Battle of Copenhagen
1805 Battle of Trafalgar
1808–1814 Peninsular war
1812–1814 War of 1812
1914–1918 First Battle of the Atlantic
1914 Battle of Heligoland Bight, Battle of Coronel, Battle of the Falkland Islands
1915 Battle of Dogger Bank (1915) and Dardanelles Campaign
1916 Battle of Jutland
1919 Russian Civil War
1931 Invergordon Mutiny
1939–1945 Second Battle of the Atlantic
1939 Battle of the River Plate
1940 Operation Dynamo (Dunkirk)
1941 Battle of Cape Matapan
1941 Sinking of German battleship Bismarck
1943 Battle of North Cape
1944 Operation Tungsten
1944 Operation Neptune (Normandy)
1956 Suez campaign
1965 Beira Patrol against Rhodesia begins
1980 Armilla Patrol in the Persian Gulf begins
1982 Falklands War
1991 Gulf War
1999 Kosovo conflict
2000 Sierra Leone
2001 Afghanistan Campaign
2003 Iraq War

I look forward to the new Aircraft Carriers (HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales) which are 3 times the size of the current Invinsbile class and nearly as big as the Nimitz class :)

Von Smallhausen said:
Are the two proposed super carriers for the Lockheed VSTOL going to be gas turbine also ?
thats the current plan

The MOD has decided not to use nuclear propulsion because of high cost, and several alternative configurations have been considered for the propulsion system, including a 25MW WR21 gas turbine, as used on the Type 45 frigate, and a podded propulsion system based on Integrated Full Electric Propulsion (IFEP).

A configuration currently being considered is based on two Rolls Royce Marine Trent 36MW MT30 gas turbine alternators driving two electric motors. The motors power fixed conventional propeller shafts.
lucasade, I am pleased you started the thread, irrespective of Nana.

It has stirred pride and people have leapt to the defence of the Royal Navy.

Excellent thread and that new carrier looks the mutts nuts !
Nana said:
complete and utter waste of money so we can kill innocent people for more oil for Mr Bush, is it any wonder we are hated?
Because of course we're going to send this destroyer off to shoot down airliners and blow up ferries :rolleyes:
Von Smallhausen said:
lucasade, I am pleased you started the thread, irrespective of Nana.

It has stirred pride and people have leapt to the defence of the Royal Navy.

Excellent thread and that new carrier looks the mutts nuts !

Indeed there is still a lot of pride in our armed forces even though for some it is a waste of cash. I say sod the knockers and heres to the RN :D

lucasade1 said:
Well I'm sorry to see this thread turn out like this, to be honest Nana I wish you had never come in.
If you wanted privacy you should not have posted on a public forum where you cannot choose who responds. Or maybe you should have prefaced your post with NO PACIFISTS or WARMONGERS ONLY or even "who likes wasting 650 million quid".. then I'd have probably never looked.

I couldn't give two hoots about the weak retarded flames people are attempting.

Sure you all love having great big weapons of war on our side, it's just a massive shame that so many of you fail to see a larger picture of life, and that apparently no-one here can accept that it is possible for a nation to be peaceful and not at risk by choosing to be that way.
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Ignore my post about the propulsion system, I assumed it would be like the 23's ....should do more home work before mouthing off
Switzerland, arguably the most peaceful, certainly neutral country in the world. Has Armed Forces for defense. In fact all Swiss males must server 260 days in them.

Name a single, reasonably sized country without an armed force or a protection treaty in force with another country that has an armed force.
gas turbines make red crosses on white squares? :p
son of a ......... i knew that it would appear upon my hitting post reply :(

anyway, yes gas turbines are very very powerful but absoultely demolish fuel and give off massive amounts of heat :( not ideal in a military application. Which is why i hoped the new systems have dealt with this :)
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