Really want the 280x but I'm off work for a few weeks so can't get
It delivered there sneaky so the wife won't find out :(

Lol, I did that for my 4770k/z87x-oc purchases. Not sure I'd be able to get them delivered to my new workplace now though so I've decided to just tell her before ordering. I mentioned last night that I was thinking about ordering this 280x and she thought it would be £300+ but was ok with that (I expected an argument just for thinking about ordering it lol) so I'm sticking with my plans for a 290.

Me getting a new job with a much better wage means she doesn't mind me spending more on my PC now :) (not that it ever stopped me before...).
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I was going to replace my 2x 7950 with 2x R9 290, but when I tested 2x R9 290 references the noise was too much for me.

220 for a R9 280X is an amazing deal, at this moment I can't see a reason to pay £160 more on a custom cooled R9 290.
wow what happened to the global shortage ? :eek:


OcUK has never being short, always in stock and being doing deals the whole time. Look at our competitors, still out of stock, the shortage is very true. Just here at OcUK I predicted it well and ensured OcUK had lots and lots of stock. :)
Lol, I did that for my 4770k/z87x-oc purchases. Not sure I'd be able to get them delivered to my new workplace now though so I've decided to just tell her before ordering. I mentioned last night that I was thinking about ordering this 280x and she thought it would be £300+ but was ok with that (I expected an argument just for thinking about ordering it lol) so I'm sticking with my plans for a 290.

Me getting a new job with a much better wage means she doesn't mind me spending more on my PC now :) (not that it ever stopped me before...).

haha, we have our 2nd little one on the way so the mrs thinks we should be saving for that instead. i agree but i also want this.

its an epic deal but i think i will have to pass this time :mad:
Woo, thanks for the 280x.

Had my eyes on it for a while but still had to clear some space on the Credit Card :P

Nearly started crying when it went to unavailable the other day.
So tempted to order that 280X for £219.95... I want a 290 really but this price is tempting me to go for crossfire 280X instead (although only 1 for now). I was kinda glad when they had sold out but then refreshed the page and saw 95 available lol.

Trying to talk myself into waiting for custom cooled 290s to be on offer but if this offer is still there when I wake up I may have to order it.

Similar here - very tempted by this 280X offer, but deep down I know I want to hold out for a deal on a custom cooled 290. Or failing that, maybe a crazy clearance deal on the GTX 780 when the 880 launches soon ;)
can anyone confirm 100% if these 280X are voltage locked? Earlier ones weren't but i understand these newer ones are?
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