Holiday in Egypt, would you?

27 May 2007
So lets just ignore the fact that western nations such as the UK and US also have a history of slavery? I'm obviously not advocating that slavery is okay, but that it's hypocritical to sit here on our high moral chairs and judge other countries like that.

People here really need to get out a bit more and speak to some actual people rather than base their opinions of others from what the news tells them. :o

This is such a ******* ****** answer hard to know how to reply, the world has moved on from slavery, why, because they have learned that it's the wrong thing to do, so to try say we did, so we can't blame them is such utter and total rubbish, yeah one thing you right about some people should go out in the real world before spouting utter tripe.



20 Jan 2012
My brother went to Egypt a few months back, Got a flight back home early due to bomb scares and muslims making threats at the resort.

Honestly I wouldn't go to any muslim country unless you have a death wish, It might not happen this 1 time but you really want to gamble with your life ?

If their ideology wasn't so nutty and bloodthirsty it would be great.

And FYI I never use to think about it but my boss is ex-muslim and educated me, Read through the sunnah, hadith and qur'an with me and general muslim way of life and It's frightening to know that people follow this completely dark age loopy ideology, Honestly couldn't wrap my mind around how a sane individual can follow it.

And Christian Ideology has never been and is not blood thirsty..................
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
The exchange rate for Egypt just vastly improved if you are going, sooner the better in that sense.
My sister went and had no problems and its in their own interest to take care of the tourist trade. My cousin works on east coast in the snorkeling hire business, even in the revolution there was no trouble. Its such a vast country, I think good guidance probably is most important
25 Jul 2005
Would your life insurance cover you if you knowingly went to a highly dangerous area with a high risk of being killed?

I'm going to sound rather bad here - I like people and love exploring, both in Europe and outside, but as a white male I wouldn't go to an Islamic country because I'd be the first to be killed.... well I would go, but they wouldn't take kindly to my self defence equipment.

No, most won't. Most have a clause in them saying you're only covered for places the FCO deem safe. The FCO currently deem most of Egypt safe (and have for a decade or more). There have always been unsafe places in Egypt (Western Desert, Sinai peninsular) where the FCO recommend only essential travel, but the tourist resorts have always been deemed safe.

As the post underneath yours points out, there is perceived risk, which you appear to see as high, and actual risk, which is very low.

The latter, The whole arab ideology doesn't sit well with me so I wouldn't want to be in any islamic country.

Luckily then only one of those countries on that list is remotely arabic, and even there the majority are not Arabs (Berber making up more than half the population - totally different culture and history). ;)
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25 Jul 2005
Been to Hurgharda. Horrible place, will never go back. Couldn't really take my blonde girlfriend anywhere due to local men pestering her/us. The same type Europe is now importing it would seem. Hotel was ok but the waiters and staff were constantly bobbing for tips and just being a nuisance. Went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner one night and while it seemed cheap, we were hit with 2-3 different taxes or some nonsense. Still much cheaper than the UK but the idea of being ripped off annoyed the hell out of me. Found a decent Indian place and just went there every night. Nice and quiet and waiters professional.

We were expected to tip the room cleaning staff daily and if they didn't deem it to be enough, we'd get crappy towels or minimal room service. Couldn't help but think that it's sad that citizens of such a historic and storied country are now resigned to begging for tips and handouts.

I'm going back to Greece this year. Not been for the last two years so not sure how the recent swaths of immigrants affected things but I guess I'll see.

This. The whole experience is designed to rip off tourists. We weren't 'allowed' to buy water outside the hotel. But for £15 (worked out about that) you could get a 2L bottle delivered to your room. We bought 5 2L bottles for a pound or two and used that the whole week.

Our tour 'guide' were the biggest crook and thief of all.

But anyway, a shame to see them reduced to beggars and con artists.

Your description fits pretty much most non western nations unfortunately. White people (especially) are essentially seen as money trees in most parts of the world.

The solution is to avoid the major tourist hotspots. It doesn't matter which country (or the predominant religion in that nation), go to somewhere where tourism isn't the major source or revenue and people will probably act like they would in the UK... Ignore you, unless they were providing a service, in which case they'd do it like anywhere else in the world.

Go to a "5 star" hotel in a tourist resort and you'll pretty much get the same sort of service anywhere in the world, especially if the difference between those inside the hotel and out is as big.

All that said, having been to Egypt twice (once in 2003, with armed guards and convoys everywhere, and then 2013, with what seemed like less armed guards) it's just a horrible caricature of itself in most places. The only reason we went the second time was to dive, so spent little time in the "resort", most of it on a boat. There are much nicer places to go if you're not diving or looking at ruins. Many of them will still have much of the above if you hit the tourist spots...

EDIT: And just for historical context - the reason for all the guards and convoys - My first trip was 6 years after the 1997 Luxor Massacre - the murder of over 62 people, mostly tourists. Terrorism has been a regular issue for the last 20 years (2005 and 2006 also had attacks). Nothing has changed, yet to many everything appears to have changed. We have short memories.
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13 Jan 2004
People really saying they wouldn't go to ANY Muslim country? The terrorists really have won.

I go on holiday to enjoy myself. I do not see the lack of basic human rights, begging or treatment as entertainment. Centuries ago Christians were animals. Currently it's Islam. I live in the here and now, not the past or the future. I have Muslim friends who are respectful and nothing like perception on TV so I genuinely feel sorry for 'genuine' people. This is why I'm an atheist. Only I am in charge of my own destiny. Not some dead guy or nonexistent deity.
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