Home Assistant beginners

Any custom code I add is usually just copying from someone else who has already done it. I'm guessing there will be guides on how to add it as it's a popular make.
Any custom code I add is usually just copying from someone else who has already done it. I'm guessing there will be guides on how to add it as it's a popular make.
I have the custom code written by another poster, i also now have studio code installed in Ha… i just need to now know where to put the code and the automation within the studio code.

Hope that reads right.

If someone could post up some screen shots of where i put the coding, that would be great.
You want to put it in here:


You'll need to amend the sensor names (i.e sensor.real_load) to match your own sensor names. v1 is the daily pv total, v2 is the current pv power, v3 is the daily load, v4 is the current load, v6 is the grid voltage.
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What do you want to do? From what I can see, sensors have been created for you to use and/ or display on your dashboard. It’s upto you how you use the data generated by the sensors
What do you want to do? From what I can see, sensors have been created for you to use and/ or display on your dashboard. It’s upto you how you use the data generated by the sensors
yes i have generated them, im asking do i need to do anythign else after i have put the sensors and automation into HA.... do i press run or save or something else

as ive never done this before
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Have you restarted home assistant? Go to Settings > System > Restart (button in top right corner)

If it has worked, when you go into Settings > Automations and Scenes, the automation should be listed there and it will tell you when it was last triggered.
Have you restarted home assistant? Go to Settings > System > Restart (button in top right corner)

If it has worked, when you go into Settings > Automations and Scenes, the automation should be listed there and it will tell you when it was last triggered.
its telling me i have and indentation on automation line 9 - its the action:shell_command.pvoutput.curl - it doesnt like the indentation after action:

alias: Upload to PVOutput
description: Upload to PVOutput
- trigger: time_pattern
minutes: /5
- data {}
action: shell_command.pvoutputcurl
mode: single
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Automation Upload to PVOutput failed to set up
Error ⸱ Reported by Automation​

The automation "Upload to PVOutput" (automation.upload_to_pvoutput) is not active because the configuration has errors.

Error:expected dictionary @ data['actions'][0]. Got 'data {} action:shell_command.pvoutputcurl'.

To fix this error, edit the automation to correct it, then save and reload the automation configuration.
Does this work instead (last 4 lines):

  - service: shell_command.pvoutputcurl
    data: {}
mode: single
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