Home brewing kits ....

Im going to move my Canadian Blonde from the first FV to the second tomorrow so i can use the tap for bottling next week, its looking like its going to be about a 3.5% beer and im looking to boost that up a bit, if i add 500g of sugar on the second FV, will there be enough yeast left to boost the % and also carbonate it when it comes to bottling it next week?
Hmm, I think im going to have trouble getting some DME or brewing sugar in time as im out of the country from wed and most likely the shop will be shut tomorrow, i think im limited to what i can find in a supermarket, would brown sugar be any better? or perhaps some honey, treacle etc?
So an update from the weekend, i tried my Mexican Cerveza and have to say, i was pleasantly surprised, and if its going to only get better, im really looking forward to it!

Also i moved my Canadian Blonde from the first FV to the second FV and also took a glass of that for a sample, wow honestly this stuff is really really good, i mean, it was warm and only very slightly carbonated, so in no way drinking condition but going buy that, its going to be fantastic.

I managed also to get some carbonation drops yesterday so i used those for some extra sugar instead of normal table sugar.
I bottled up two bottles of my watermelon wine which I'm going to leave to mature. I've been working hard to drink my way through it because it was a bit on the rough side, but it's suddenly started to mellow and that 'home-brew' taste has subsided. I decided to lay some down for a few months to see what happens.

I think I'll brew the elderberry champagne all the way out, stabilise it and then sweeten and fizz it up afterwards. I'm going to make a ghetto fizzer with a tyre valve in a bottle of some description and shoot CO2 in with a CO2 bike pump. I think I've got one in the garage somewhere.

Finally, my red wine from red grape juice. Another experiment really, but I think I added way too much sugar, but forgot to write down how much. The brew seems to have stuck, it was way too sweet and the alcohol was too high. I only brewed 2 litres, so I've 'watered' it down with a further litre of grape juice, another mug of black tea and I've kicked it off again with some new yeast. Hopefully I'll get a dry red around 11-12%, but I'll have to see what happens :D
Heads up for the kit brewers, all home brew stuff in tesco is half price!

Kits are £6.97 each and I just bought a compete coopers kit fv the lot for £34.

Brew enhancer kits are £2.97 and pet bottles are 4.97 for 24.

I just did £70 :D
I'm starting to think I went a bit mental....

BKE1 x3 £8.91
BKE2 x3 £8.91
100 crown caps £1.48
3 packets carb drop £4.44
Australian Pale Ale £6.97
European Lager £6.97
Home Brew Kit £34.97

if they have loads left, i'd br grateful if you could get me some and ill pay for shipping. thats if mine has none.
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