I want to get back into home brewing but my biggest issue is for larger's and the final phase where once bottled/kegged you need to keep it cool. What solutions have you guys come up with as oddly my wife doesn't agree with me taking over the fridge for 2-3 weeks.
Tonight its the 3.5weeks since i bottled my Canadian Blonde, time to give her a try.
Adding more sugar won't make it sweeter, it would just make it more alcoholic. You could try adding a little lactose to sweeten it slightly as most brewing yeast can't ferment that (not sure about wine/champagne or turbo yeasts though).
@Garfo, looks a good setup with the Corny kegs, where do you get the C)2 bottles filled at that size? do you just ask your local to get a a swap out with their delivery etc? i have a canister that size, but nowhere to fill it
@~Divine~Wind~ there are some brewferm kits available specifically for Belgium beers, these are widely available but ive never tried them...