
Just completed this, thoughts below:

+Good understated graphics, using a gritty feel not dissimilar to the “Cold” rendering mode of Far Cry, or perhaps Halflife 2. Very surprised at the reception the graphics got!
+Excellent intro, not only the FMV but also the interactive section as you ride the bus (another similarity with HL). Seeing a couple lined up against a wall, begging their toddler not to watch as they are executed by firing squad and then seeing him rush up to his parents’ bodies crying his eyes out is one of the most gripping pieces of cinematography I’ve seen in any game
+I just like the whole setting, occupied America isn’t something that has been done very often and despite the accusations of it being a ‘COD clone’ playing as resistance fighters gives the story a different slant from the usual special forces etc
+Decent performance, 75fps+
+I like FPS games with AI teammates, and they actually seem capable of killing the enemies
+Combat is generally satisfying
+Some excellent cinematic set pieces especially on golden gate bridge

-Considering I’m such a badass in combat, you’d think I’d be capable of opening a door on my own. But no, the vast majority of the time you have to wait for your teammates to open them for you. It can be annoying when pressing ahead, having to wait around for a scripted sequence to play.
-Guns seem to be much of a muchness and are difficult to distinguish, I usually just carry around two random smgs/rifles with a sight and swap them when they get low on ammo. Towards the end I was favouring the SCAR, seems the have a good balance of mag capacity, accurracy and fire rate.
-Perhaps a bit too heavily scripted in some sections, such as when you have to use the Goliath to destroy some enemy vehicles. Advance too far on foot and you seem to get cut down far too easily, yet blow up the last vehicle and all of a sudden the enemy is in full retreat. Reminds me of Brothers In Arms a bit; some middle ground would be nice.
-Mission makeup is a bit cliched, i.e. you have a helicopter support section, a sniper section, a gun turret section, a sneaky-stealth section etc
-Taking out priority targets (RPGs, EMPs etc) is too easy because of the icon on the HUD, I'd prefer it gave a general indication of where they are but not lead you right to the target
-Very short game at around 4hrs ("3hrs" according to Steam), considering the fact that it isn't balls-out action all the way, there are some bits where you are just moving through buildings outside of combat
-Teases you with the concept of having some sort of Resistance base where you can talk to people, maybe get some new gear etc but you only ever get to start conversations with people a couple of times

Overall this is a good game but I can’t help but feel it could have been even better with a bit of extra content and polish. A couple of extra missions and some sort of expanded 'downtime' section in the camp where you do training, talk to other people etc would have added some value I think.
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It's not a bad game really, just not quite as cinematic as some of the CoD games for example. Some points where it's scripted and I was standing next to the marker yet I was suppsed to be standing over there etc smacked of not much play testing. Not sure if it's going to get a sequel. I heard there was one planned but not sure if it's happening or not.
holy bump, almost a 1year bump :P weird seeing this, just traded it for 3 TF2 keys, played it for an hour earlier, fun game, lots playing still.
Just completed this, thoughts below:

+Good understated graphics, using a gritty feel not dissimilar to the “Cold” rendering mode of Far Cry, or perhaps Halflife 2. Very surprised at the reception the graphics got!
+Excellent intro, not only the FMV but also the interactive section as you ride the bus (another similarity with HL). Seeing a couple lined up against a wall, begging their toddler not to watch as they are executed by firing squad and then seeing him rush up to his parents’ bodies crying his eyes out is one of the most gripping pieces of cinematography I’ve seen in any game
+I just like the whole setting, occupied America isn’t something that has been done very often and despite the accusations of it being a ‘COD clone’ playing as resistance fighters gives the story a different slant from the usual special forces etc
+Decent performance, 75fps+
+I like FPS games with AI teammates, and they actually seem capable of killing the enemies
+Combat is generally satisfying
+Some excellent cinematic set pieces especially on golden gate bridge

-Considering I’m such a badass in combat, you’d think I’d be capable of opening a door on my own. But no, the vast majority of the time you have to wait for your teammates to open them for you. It can be annoying when pressing ahead, having to wait around for a scripted sequence to play.
-Guns seem to be much of a muchness and are difficult to distinguish, I usually just carry around two random smgs/rifles with a sight and swap them when they get low on ammo. Towards the end I was favouring the SCAR, seems the have a good balance of mag capacity, accurracy and fire rate.
-Perhaps a bit too heavily scripted in some sections, such as when you have to use the Goliath to destroy some enemy vehicles. Advance too far on foot and you seem to get cut down far too easily, yet blow up the last vehicle and all of a sudden the enemy is in full retreat. Reminds me of Brothers In Arms a bit; some middle ground would be nice.
-Mission makeup is a bit cliched, i.e. you have a helicopter support section, a sniper section, a gun turret section, a sneaky-stealth section etc
-Taking out priority targets (RPGs, EMPs etc) is too easy because of the icon on the HUD, I'd prefer it gave a general indication of where they are but not lead you right to the target
-Very short game at around 4hrs ("3hrs" according to Steam), considering the fact that it isn't balls-out action all the way, there are some bits where you are just moving through buildings outside of combat
-Teases you with the concept of having some sort of Resistance base where you can talk to people, maybe get some new gear etc but you only ever get to start conversations with people a couple of times

Overall this is a good game but I can’t help but feel it could have been even better with a bit of extra content and polish. A couple of extra missions and some sort of expanded 'downtime' section in the camp where you do training, talk to other people etc would have added some value I think.

Needs to go this way - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18391878

Just completed this, thoughts below:

+Good understated graphics, using a gritty feel not dissimilar to the “Cold” rendering mode of Far Cry, or perhaps Halflife 2. Very surprised at the reception the graphics got!
+Excellent intro, not only the FMV but also the interactive section as you ride the bus (another similarity with HL). Seeing a couple lined up against a wall, begging their toddler not to watch as they are executed by firing squad and then seeing him rush up to his parents’ bodies crying his eyes out is one of the most gripping pieces of cinematography I’ve seen in any game
+I just like the whole setting, occupied America isn’t something that has been done very often and despite the accusations of it being a ‘COD clone’ playing as resistance fighters gives the story a different slant from the usual special forces etc
+Decent performance, 75fps+
+I like FPS games with AI teammates, and they actually seem capable of killing the enemies
+Combat is generally satisfying
+Some excellent cinematic set pieces especially on golden gate bridge

-Considering I’m such a badass in combat, you’d think I’d be capable of opening a door on my own. But no, the vast majority of the time you have to wait for your teammates to open them for you. It can be annoying when pressing ahead, having to wait around for a scripted sequence to play.
-Guns seem to be much of a muchness and are difficult to distinguish, I usually just carry around two random smgs/rifles with a sight and swap them when they get low on ammo. Towards the end I was favouring the SCAR, seems the have a good balance of mag capacity, accurracy and fire rate.
-Perhaps a bit too heavily scripted in some sections, such as when you have to use the Goliath to destroy some enemy vehicles. Advance too far on foot and you seem to get cut down far too easily, yet blow up the last vehicle and all of a sudden the enemy is in full retreat. Reminds me of Brothers In Arms a bit; some middle ground would be nice.
-Mission makeup is a bit cliched, i.e. you have a helicopter support section, a sniper section, a gun turret section, a sneaky-stealth section etc
-Taking out priority targets (RPGs, EMPs etc) is too easy because of the icon on the HUD, I'd prefer it gave a general indication of where they are but not lead you right to the target
-Very short game at around 4hrs ("3hrs" according to Steam), considering the fact that it isn't balls-out action all the way, there are some bits where you are just moving through buildings outside of combat
-Teases you with the concept of having some sort of Resistance base where you can talk to people, maybe get some new gear etc but you only ever get to start conversations with people a couple of times

Overall this is a good game but I can’t help but feel it could have been even better with a bit of extra content and polish. A couple of extra missions and some sort of expanded 'downtime' section in the camp where you do training, talk to other people etc would have added some value I think.

Kind sir, this was one hell of an excellent review and I thank you!
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