Homeworld (2)

18 Dec 2004
NE England
I had a sense of nostalgia come over me the other day and decided to purchase both Homeworld and its sequal - should be arriving tomorrow!

I've always loved the Homeworld games - very atmostpheric, very nicely put together with crisp graphics, good sounds and many nice touches (such as how the ships fly side-on with their targets shelling). What I want to know is, does anyone here still play it, or hold it in such high regard as myself?

MoNkeE said:
I had a sense of nostalgia come over me the other day and decided to purchase both Homeworld and its sequal - should be arriving tomorrow!

I've always loved the Homeworld games - very atmostpheric, very nicely put together with crisp graphics, good sounds and many nice touches (such as how the ships fly side-on with their targets shelling). What I want to know is, does anyone here still play it, or hold it in such high regard as myself?


I still play it - I thought Cataclysm was the best of the 3 games though as in Catcalysm the big guns on the Capital ships can actually hit fighters. i didn't like the fact that big ships in Homeworld 1 and 2 were helpless against fighters - they could have put a few teeny little anti-fighter turrets on :p

I really did like the series though and have them all - especially that crazy destroyer that has to turn sideways to fire all its weapons. That was good :)
Yeah, I always found you had to be able to manage your resources very well in Homeworld - if you needlessly over-spent on things that weren't effective against your enemies, once the map's resources had dried up, you were pretty buggered!

Might install it again and give it a whirl, Im not very good at it though, I would just get the cloaking bubble thing and wait for them to attack :P... I always died :/
Agreed, HW 1 was better mainly because you could take captured ships into the next battle. I remember when I got to the last level my fleet mainly consisted of the best alien ships. Even kept some of those odd shaped corvettes captured in the very first level right to the end just for nostalgia purposes.
lol, I captured all the frigites ( about 80 i think) that made a big sphere around some station of other. Made it my mission to caputer everything. The last level was so easy :)

A 100 ion frigites in a square formation all firing at the same time looked great and was unstoppable.

I did have some screen shots of my fleet. Think ive lost em now.
Jack Bauer said:
lol, I captured all the frigites ( about 80 i think) that made a big sphere around some station of other. Made it my mission to caputer everything. The last level was so easy :)

A 100 ion frigites in a square formation all firing at the same time looked great and was unstoppable.

I did have some screen shots of my fleet. Think ive lost em now.

I think everyone did that one.
Quite funny to see a line of Ion Frigates dissapearing into the fog from your mothership.
lol at all those ion frigates. ITs funny cos its true.

I recently played HW2 again and my god its hard. i played one level about 100 times before i cheated :(

nothing like hearing the chick say "frigate lost" about 30 times in 15 seconds :(

Do you remember the Alien Ion Frigates that fired 4 beams and span clockwise as they fired? they were cool and the original Ion Platform looking ones with solar sails.
Mission 9.. is that the mission where your fighting a constant steam of th biggest ships (at least 15 + fighters and frigates) and you only have 2 of the the same class?


Anyone remember Nexus: The Jupitor Insodent? That was in a differnt league to homeworld imo.
I played nexus, loved it. Altho I disagree that it was in a diffrent league to home world. When home world first came out it was some thing special.
I enjoyed Homeworld but never finished it as I found it far too hard. A series of small mistakes or slightly bad performances in some missions would strike back to make a later mission almost impossible due to a lack of resources/ships.

To contrast, I felt that Homeworld 2 (and the auto-money-collection thing...no more waiting for ages between levels trying to scrape up all the resources!) was more balanced and more fun because I could cope with it a lot more.

I really love them both though...the music and atmosphere are both simply amazing.
Homeworld (1) was only the second game I ever bought, (C&C tiberium sun being the first). I was totally gobsmacked when I first saw the mothership, and you could actually spin around it in 3d, amazing at the time. Was the first game I actually finished.
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