Homeworld (2)

Playing through Homeworld now - very well orchestrated game :) Everything seems to have a feeling of majesty to it.

Is there any way in which to force Anti-Aliasing onto it though?

can you not just apply it to the drivers...., make sure u are running it in DX as well. I think it might use openGL as default. Looks better on DX
I thought Cataclysm was the best of the 3 games though as in Catcalysm the big guns on the Capital ships can actually hit fighters. i didn't like the fact that big ships in Homeworld 1 and 2 were helpless against fighters - they could have put a few teeny little anti-fighter turrets on

hate to say it but you are wrong....its great watching capitalship weapons cut through fighters....the ion beams cutting swathes through corvettes and fightes alike= :D . granted you had to be lucky but it did happen....also there is a mod called PDS=point defence system or something, it gives all ships AA weapons and makes battles crazy, ill see if i can find some screenies
I loved all three :D Some of the best games I've ever played. Cataclysm was cool, the dreadnought you get to build rocked. Although at the end you have to sacrifice one (or more) so you have enough time to fire your primary weapon.

In HW2 I think I stopped playing at mission 9. I was there thinking 'ye now they're gonna get it, I've got TWO battleships'. I managed to get a good rythm going, but some ships ended up running on ahead, or staying behind and I just got frustrated and quit :p By the time I was ready to go back I had formatted and that was that :\

Gotta say tho - HW2's graphics were awesome.
It's fantastic. Had an AWESOME battle earlier (only on mission 3 or something :p). Basically, my fleet consisting of:
2 x Ion Cannon Frigates
3 x Assault Frigates
4 x Heavy Corvettes
1 x Support Frigate

took on an enemy fleet consisting of:
6 x Assault Frigates
Countless missile corvettes
Countless fighters
Countless Defenders

I had to keep the support frigate healing the damaged frigates, making the assault frigates take all the attention off the Ion Cannon frig's, whilst flanking to the rear of the enemy frig's with my ion cannons.

The whole battle was about 10 minutes - sooo much fun :D

I loved HW1. Cataclysm I got on budget label (white label) and wouldn't work on XP. You were meant to send the disc back for a replacment but I just binned it. HW2 I have started playing. But I find it more annoying than v1. Theres all these annoying artifical limitations. Like the size of your fleet, how many ships you can capture etc. Some of the levels are impossible unless you capture ships a few levels back. Basically I prefer 1.
I played HW2 first, and despite being pretty crap at RTS's, I really clicked with it. Was challenging, but not frustratingly so, and I managed to complete it even without the patch that made the one mission easier.

But recently I played HW1...and I just couldn't get past the early missions. Think I got to mission 4 (struggled to there) then I just kept getting my ass handed to me. Not sure why, but I just couldn't play HW1 at all, whereas I found HW2 spot on.

Strange. Loved HW2 anyway...superb game.
I prefer HW1 - mainly because I can capture as much or as little as I like. :D Plus you can take as long as you like on a mission... hence 100+ ion cannon frigates by the end of the sphere mission. :D Finally, my weedy little GeForce2 can cope with HW1 - it struggles with HW2!

With HW1 always take the time before you jump at the end of a level to mine all possible resources... yeah, it takes a while, but it's worth it. Oh, and capture the hard-hitting ships, don't build your own...

Awesome games.
I loved the HW series :) However I was wondering if anyone has tried Cataclysm on XP yet?

I can install and run it fine, however whenever I rotate the camera around a ship, whenever I release the mouse button the game pauses for a second or two, and makes it very annoying :( It was patched up as well.
pieman109 said:
I'd be over the moon if someone made a fourth homeworld or expansion pack.
From looking at their forums, there is practically no chance of Homeworld 3 seeing the light of day. *cries*
Oh, and capture the hard-hitting ships, don't build your own...

Thats what I could never do. No matter what I did, if I sent ships over to capture any vessel, they'd immediately target them. The only way I could do it, was to build a little "fleet" of them, but a couple would easily be destroyed on each attempt.

Said on the guides that you'd use a heavily armoured ship as the cannon fodder, then send the salvage ships in to capture - but they'd always stop firing and turn their attention on the salvage vessels?
Sometimes you lose a couple of salvage corvettes, yeah... but a destroyer is well worth a couple of SCs. :)

Put the SCs on evasive (more power to engines), use a big ship as cannon fodder to get the enemy's attention, and get as close as possible - preferably with the SCs in position behind the target... then "spring the trap" and make the salvage run - in most cases the SCs will be quick enough to get the bigger ship before they die.
If someone wants to try a different game to HW but very same principles (and looks nicer) try: Nexus, the Jupiter Incident. Capital ship combat to a whole new level, tis spectacular (especially blowing stuff up and the cruise missiles that flare up your screen on impact)
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