Homeworld (2)

Anim said:
If someone wants to try a different game to HW but very same principles (and looks nicer) try: Nexus, the Jupiter Incident. Capital ship combat to a whole new level, tis spectacular (especially blowing stuff up and the cruise missiles that flare up your screen on impact)

Does anyone else think that Nexus gets silly difficult towards the end?
I still havent completed it after several attempts, Im still 2 missions from the end
Anim said:
If someone wants to try a different game to HW but very same principles (and looks nicer) try: Nexus, the Jupiter Incident. Capital ship combat to a whole new level, tis spectacular (especially blowing stuff up and the cruise missiles that flare up your screen on impact)

I loved it at the start, where it was just your ship going around scanning things and blowing stuff up. but to the end levels where you had to control the load of ships just got boring, not to intrested in micromanaging a small fleet.
Nexus was pretty tough, the last level is incredibly cool though. To be fair its quite a micro-intensive game but thats whats great about it, deciding which individual guns are aiming for which ship is great.

If youre finding it hard, try not using lasers. I often chose a few smaller ships for knocking out shields and larger ships with serious hull damaging fire power. And the fighters are pretty useful too.
Could someone just post a quick Ship guide for HW1? i.e.

Inteceptors - Strong vs ????? Weak vs ?????
Assault Frigates - Strong vs ???? weak vs ??????

I also need to learn what they all look like too! It just says "Enemy Ship!" instead of Enemy Corvette like in HW2 :(
There is a reason why Capitol ships have no defence against fighters... it was a coding error that was never fixed...

there was a modification made to activate the point defence systems that had already been coded on the capitol ships but never properly activated, the mod was called point defence systems.

the most popular mods for homeworld 2 are the EX mod (excellent mod, takes the best of all the available mods and puts them in 1 pack) and Point Defence Systems (which soon grew into a fully functional mod of its own). both will need seperate installs but i recommend EX mod especially.

if anyone wants Homeworld 2, i got mine from Amazon for £2.50 inc postage!
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If you want to breath life into homeworld 2 and get away from the oh-so predictable ship build lists, try out PDS.

Webby here

I could recommend you an install version, but as the mod seems to have about 12 different 'current' states, I'm afriad I can't. Basically one version (should be 7.3, PDS 'classic') has stayed true to the old ways of homeworld but activated the already present point defense systems on almost all of the ships, whereas with later versions the designers seem to have gone down some harpoon style gameplay which doesn't really fit with the engine.

Basically everything has been revamped for better balance/immersion and a visual FEAST. A couple of new style (7.3-ish) heavy fighter wings would be able to eat almost any old style ship for breakfast, even the smallest ships have got PDS etc and longer range/more powerful beam weaponry. The latest arbiter, for has maybe 9 turrets, 4 missle/torpedo racks and then the PDS systems as well. The newest vagyr battleship has weapons based loosely on Sajuk (sp) etc, but would easily be able to wipe it out.

Don't get me started on the new torpedos either. The first time you hyper-gate a fleet of 20 Vagyr heavy missle frigates in at long range behind a Hig battlestar and you watch their bay doors open and unleash guided missle death on the massively expensive hig fleet command ship (and their only means of hypering out of there) you won't be able to do anything but laugh.

If you liked HW2, I'd recommend you give it a shot, but you'll need a mostrous comp to run it flat out in big fleet engagements.

The main guy has now gone over to Warlords I think, so the gameplay may be similar. (haven't tried warlords yet)
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