Horror games

oh dear oh dear, dont tell me any more :D.... you do realise it's only a silly game dont you ;)

because what you're describing is what it used to be like when i used to watch Doctor Who as an 8 year old kid, exactly the same, please note you'll notice i said 8 year old and not 48 year old :D.... JUST TEASING YOU.

Well get playing the bloody thing and then you can join in getting teased!!! :D:p
i'm trying to find out if the remake of the original Painkiller is truly HD or just a botch job, i cant find anything yet and i dont think it warrants a new thread yet.
Amnesia Dark Descent has a free DLC called 'Justine'. That is bloody scary, you can't save progress either, you need to play the whole chapter in one go, die and its all over you need to start again..

I can't play it unless iv'e got the lights on and without my headset...

Doom 3 is still, to this day a bloody scary game as well.
Yeah, the Penumbra series, also made by Frictional and also bloody terrifying. Amnesia's the scariest though.

bloody hard puzzles to solve and no guns.... this ****ed me off within 10 minutes, scary you say, i spent all my time swearing my head off and wishing i was playing FEAR..... i saw that odd Creep thing chase me around a corridor and i couldn't kick his arse, what good is this, because i want to shoot him or punch him etc, not run off !

if Amnesia is anything like Penumbra it'll suck for sure, i dont mind being scared, but i must have loads of guns and no silly puzzles to solve....because i'm a shooter only not Albert Einstein. :D

yes, i thought it looked like Penumbra ! if i was going to get anything like this i'd get the remastered DOOM 3

i suppose Penumbra is ok and it was quite scary, but the terror is greatly reduced, because you're thinking how to sove the puzzles, plus you're annoyed with yourself that the Creep keeps killing you.
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But it's not scary if you can just shoot whatever it is in the face while backing away! Take away the superhero murder powers and it's a whole different level of tension.
But it's not scary if you can just shoot whatever it is in the face while backing away! Take away the superhero murder powers and it's a whole different level of tension.

yes, but when you cant solve the puzzles as well, it makes you annoyed and focused on problem solving, this distracts you from the scares, you run around the corridors looking for something on the floor, not noticing the scares so much, this happened all the time in Penumbra and also in DOOM 3, except in DOOM 3 you're hunting for Ammo and PDA Cabinet codes, killing the demons when you're like this becomes annoying, because you're trying to do something else and they're just getting in your way ...... maybe this is just the way i am :cool:

but it is an interesting topic to discuss, because this does reduce the terror, in what is supposed to be a ``horror game``..... i used to run past Alma all the time in FEAR as well, hardly ever noticed her compared to my friends, yes always searching for ammo !
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Uh, Mal, I'd just stay away from Frictional's games if I were you. You clearly aren't the target audience. ;)
Uh, Mal, I'd just stay away from Frictional's games if I were you. You clearly aren't the target audience. ;)

no dont get me wrong i love a good fictional game, hang around all our games are fictional ! :D

it's just that some have more faults than others, but this latest Asylum game looks quite goofed up, because you should never have a voiceover talking all the time, it's simply wrong, the whole idea is that you should be on your own
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