Horror games

This thread has to be scarier than any game, its been resurrected 2 times.:eek:

Run for the hills this is the Zombie Thread of Doom :D
Hi guys i was watching one of my subscribers lets play videos on condemned

And it got me thinking, do you think that there will ever be a condemned 3?

Its one of my favourite horror games and i think it would be a waste to not continue on this amazing fanchise

What do you think ?

Heres the video i was watching if anyone is interested

Also anyone remember a game called The Suffering? i thought it was a pretty decent game with some scares :)

The Suffering was a great little game very underrated IMO had heaps of atmosphere & really nice creature design plus the prison setting was used very well.
Not many other games have come close

May as well post in this thread. I am ... some way into Amnesia - Plodding through some waterlogged passage thing with a metal gate I can't seem to get past. Something doesn't like me being in the water. What do I do? There are a couple of rooms before the gate but I can't seem to find anything of interest in there.
And it got me thinking, do you think that there will ever be a condemned 3?

Doubt it. Monolith are a shell now. WB sacked even more people last week. A shame as I have enjoyed all their games. Condemned was bloody awesome, as was FEAR, and FEAR 2.

I would love to see them get back on their feet, reclaim the FEAR franchise back and release another Condemned. Only after they do NOLF 3 though;p
Great thread, I've a bunch of horror games already bought but have yet to sit down and play any of them :(

Amnesia, Fear, Killing Floor, Penumbra, Dead Space, Metro 2033 and I think I have Stalker also.

^^ Can anyone confirm or know if any of these games sound good or better on a 7.1 headset?
May as well post in this thread. I am ... some way into Amnesia - Plodding through some waterlogged passage thing with a metal gate I can't seem to get past. Something doesn't like me being in the water. What do I do? There are a couple of rooms before the gate but I can't seem to find anything of interest in there.

I got the game in the steam sales and thats as far as i got as well. Nice and scary being chased by an invisible monster that wants to munch on your brains while trapped in a confined space :D.
Doubt it. Monolith are a shell now. WB sacked even more people last week. A shame as I have enjoyed all their games. Condemned was bloody awesome, as was FEAR, and FEAR 2.

I would love to see them get back on their feet, reclaim the FEAR franchise back and release another Condemned. Only after they do NOLF 3 though;p

yea i was a serious FEAR fan too, but FEAR 3 was rubbish, FEAR is probably the best shooter there is, it just had everything spot on....

Deus Ex feels similar, but it's not as slick, FEAR is far less awkward to play, not as slow or clumsy, i dont know how FEAR got this so right.... yet everyone else gets it so wrong, maybe it's because FEAR feels as if it's designed for PC only..
May as well post in this thread. I am ... some way into Amnesia - Plodding through some waterlogged passage thing with a metal gate I can't seem to get past. Something doesn't like me being in the water. What do I do? There are a couple of rooms before the gate but I can't seem to find anything of interest in there.

As long as you arent IN the water or within reach you should be fine, try and throw some body parts away from you, it should start eating them so you can run :p scary as hell though!!!!
There're body parts? I shall investigate. i'm sure I'm out of lamp oil and going insane.
^^ Can anyone confirm or know if any of these games sound good or better on a 7.1 headset?

From my experience nothing tends to sound good on surround sound headphones. You are much better off getting a decent stereo headset and a sound card capable of digital surround sound.

Most "surround sound" headphones do pretty much the above however the drivers are nearly universally bad compared to an equally priced stereo set. Actual true surround sound headphones are just as bad due to having multiple drivers in each cup.

At least with a decent pair of Stereo headphones you know everything you listen to will sound good.
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There're body parts? I shall investigate. i'm sure I'm out of lamp oil and going insane.

How did you run out of oil so fast, when I finished the game I had more oil than Kuwait (and a ton of tinderboxes:p)

Also enemies see you easier in light.
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