*bring on the flames*
i thought it was really good, most ppl are talked to said it was basically a sort core porn movie for the first half and then gore for the last half. possible a good summation of the film.
I like how they bumped off josh about half way through, it kinda eased things in, and then his m8 searching for him was good then he gets captured.
I think they missed out in not showing OLI being killed, but i can understand why they did it as its better to bump of a main character first instead of a support player, BUT any1 that makes a reservation under "the king of swing" is a legend lol.
my only gripes with the film were that they didn't really explain the whole situation etc, abit of backstory to the reason why the "hostel" was there, and who started it would have been really good, and like some1 said a villain would have been good like the boss of it.
WHen pax runs them 2 girls and that dude over i was all like, DAM RIGHT SUCKERS! sure them girls were dam sexy but i woulda killed them as well for that.
Did any1 else find it really funny how pax kept trying to keep hold of his fingers? I was laughing to myself and saying "what u doing you numpty, your hands been cut in half, its not like your gonna sew them back on and it will be fine just leave them lol.
I saw hills have eyes in the same week at the pics as well, and overall as a horror fan i would recommend it more over hostel.
I give hostel 7/10 but with more backstory and abit longer it would easily be a 9/10.