Hot Fuzz **SPOILERS**

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
Managed a special pre-view of this last week, Great Film!!!!

Plus Simon Pegg and Nick Fat Bloke were there answering questions etc. :)

Just as good as Sean of the Dead imo
Should be seeing it tomorrow night if it's not been booked up. (Orange Wednesday :D )
I went to see this film this evening. Was a big fan of Shaun of the Dead and Spaced, so my expectations were high. I wasn't disappointed.

The plot is suitably bizarre, but makes perfect sense. I haven't laughed at a film so much for a long time (especially the last 30 minutes, which are about the most perfect 30 minutes of film I've ever seen). There's one moment where half the audience started clapping (completely inappropriately too!), which is almost unheard of in a British cinema.

So yeah, well worth seeing.
hopefully off to see this tomorrow or friday been looking forward to it since i first seen a trailer ages ago looks like i wont be dissapointed :D
xyphic said:
The plot is suitably bizarre, but makes perfect sense. I haven't laughed at a film so much for a long time (especially the last 30 minutes, which are about the most perfect 30 minutes of film I've ever seen). There's one moment where half the audience started clapping (completely inappropriately too!), which is almost unheard of in a British cinema.

So yeah, well worth seeing.

Just got back - my thoughts exactly. Class film, really funny in places. Everyone started clapping at the end of the film as well as in several sections throughout :D
Excellent film - really enjoyed it.
Really good cast, every character had the right person playing them.
There were loads of laugh out loud moments.
Audience seemed to like it too, was in a full screen and nobody was talking.
Great film - well worth going to see.
I thought it was hmm, meh. It wasn't as good as spaced or SOTD, and Simon wasn't as good as he has been. Nice to see Adam Buxton making an appearance though hehe :) (the young reporter). Nick Frost was good, and had some genuinely funny lines. The biggest problem with it was that there's no real decisive moment, no major event that 'turns' the film into a strange/action/horror film, it just seems to drift from intro to action.

I'd give it 6.5/10.
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