Hot Fuzz **SPOILERS**

Saw this tonight also, and it is highly hillarious. Great plot, lots of gore and good comedy. The last 20 minutes were just something special.
saw it yesterday and loved it, it builds up very slowly and at 1st i thought it was a bit pants, but the ending, classic, me and me mate were laughing all the way to the end
I was actually giglling with glee at the last half-hour and may have actually dribbled. Partly because it's very funny, partly because I love gun action, but mostly because the editing, sound and direction of this portion of the film kicks the arse of anything similar to come out of Hollywood.
I have to say I think that Simon Pegg and crew are one of the hottest british film talents around at present. Not only are his films funny the production value is great and at a different level to most uk films.

I loved Spaced, thought Shaun of the Dead was a good film, not fantastic but very good, and I absolutley LOVED Hot Fuzz :D

Now when you think about Simon Pegg's influences in Spaced and then move on to a logically you realise he has done the zombie thing, then the cop/buddy movie/gun fest thing so the only conclusion I can draw is that his next film could be a sci-fi - ooooh I hope it is and I bet he will get given a bloody good budget too ;)
I saw this film last night. I was in the mood for a more serious film like Blood Diamond of Hannibal Rising, but I was out-voted.

I wasn't expecting too much from the film, but like Shaun of the Dead, I was pleasantly surprised. It's definitely a very funny film and has a couple of fantastic moments (*cough* dropkick *cough*).

I loved the fact that some of the cast consisted of people like Bill Bailey and Adam Buxton.

Definitely worth seeing, but I'm not too sure if it was worth spending £7 to see at the cinema ;)
I didnt laugh once. Infact I laughed more at certain points in Blood Diamond. Hot Fuzz was probably the worst comedy film I have ever seen. All the funny bits had already been unveiled in the trailers and there isn't much wit or obvious gags in it like in Airplane or Hot shots or something.
Going to see this in a few days, i really want it to be good but i felt let down by SOTD and i really hope Hot Fuzz is better.
i personally loved the film

great jokes and great story and a great cast just to top it off

even though it starts off slow, there is something to laugh at in every scene and it just builds up to an epic last twenty minuites

10/10 really

although it does copy a lot of jokes from shaun of the dead so some may not like it for that, but i personally think it stays says far enough away to make it a fresh experiance
theo said:
i personally loved the film

great jokes and great story and a great cast just to top it off

even though it starts off slow, there is something to laugh at in every scene and it just builds up to an epic last twenty minuites

10/10 really

although it does copy a lot of jokes from shaun of the dead so some may not like it for that, but i personally think it stays says far enough away to make it a fresh experiance
I noticed about two jokes from SOTD and tbh they were more like references than copied jokes! The "have you never taken a shortcut" bit was completely different to SOTD.
slambo69 said:
I didnt laugh once. Infact I laughed more at certain points in Blood Diamond. Hot Fuzz was probably the worst comedy film I have ever seen. All the funny bits had already been unveiled in the trailers and there isn't much wit or obvious gags in it like in Airplane or Hot shots or something.
Sounds to me like you just enjoy obvious slapstick humour! I wouldn't reccomend you watch anything other than american films for that.

Now "Jog On" - :p
So many better british comedies, Lock Stock and Snatch being the ones that first spring to mind, although Monty Python is brilliant slapstick.

I just didn't think it was funny at all, it wasn't boring because there was always things happenening, but it seems to me that it might have been better suited as a feature length drama on bbc or something.
slambo69 said:
So many better british comedies, Lock Stock and Snatch being the ones that first spring to mind, although Monty Python is brilliant slapstick.

I just didn't think it was funny at all, it wasn't boring because there was always things happenening, but it seems to me that it might have been better suited as a feature length drama on bbc or something.
Do you mind me asking how old you are? Not trying to be argumentative about it as it's all down to personal taste at the end of the day, but a lot of Simon Peggs stuff has references and jokes which are aimed at a 30 somethings and the humour could go over the heads younger audiences.
I'll watch Lock Stock, I don't find it funny and the acting is dire, but it's watchable. Hot Fuzz is a completely different mix of genres and in a completely different league.
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