Hot Fuzz **SPOILERS**

andybtsn said:
Same directors and actors and jokes...
Probably a chance you won't like it!

Different premise though, the trailers and interviews n stuff look ace, I just didn't find SotD very funny, only the record throwing bit made me laugh.
krooton said:
Different premise though, the trailers and interviews n stuff look ace, I just didn't find SotD very funny, only the record throwing bit made me laugh.
Ive just lost all respect for you and your mixes :( :p
I was severly disappointed by it. Absolutely love Spaced and Shaun of the Dead, but Hot Fuzz just didnt seem to have nearly as many laughs in it. I can only think of two laugh out loud moments in the film really.

Maybe ill prefer it on DVD, i've always hated a full cinema, I hate people fidgeting every 2 minutes :p

Was it me, or did Simon look a hell of a lot older?!
Welshy said:
Was it me, or did Simon look a hell of a lot older?!

Possibly, but I think it's because hair is much shorter (shaved) in Hot Fuzz compared to say Spaced so makes him look older.
I've just seen it and think it's a fantastic film, not loads of funny lines but the story is good and the last 20 mins are awesome. This is coming from someone who didn't like Shaun of the Dead.
Linoge said:
Exactly. Cheets64...he's in the trailer as well! :p

So they give away the killer in the trailer?

I dont think so. I know hes in the film but he said he was the baddie aka as the killer.
Went to see this tonight and there is one scene that i just keep going over in my head and even now, 3 hours, later it's still making me laught. Its in the last 20mins with an old woman.
Well it's not as good as I'd hoped. :(

Plenty of laugh out loud moments in it but the general descent into over the top silliness and clunky storytelling in the last third detracts from the film overall.
Less would definitely have been more.

And Nick Frost was clearly wearing a gashead rag (Rovers shirt) :mad:
Saw it tonight, seemed to go on for ages! Good film albeit Pegg wasn't really the character he was on SOFTD and therefore he wasn't really that funny :(

Anyway, recommended!
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