How about a Linux gallery?


My first experience of Arch, I feel I have learnt so much about linux in these last few days.

I just want to change the look of the panels, then I will be really pleased with how this looks. :)
A day and a half later, Conky is still a complete mystery thus far, seems to only want to load in the top left corner of my screen with half of everything off the screen..... :/
Got Cairo working and looking half all-right
Would anyone know how to stop the icons duplicating themselves when open, like Terminal and Chromium add another icon to the dock when open, it's urgh and annoying lol

If your picture is larger than 1280 pixels wide please either resize or link only. Thank you.
Yeah I think Ubuntu is losing it. It's becoming too 'commercial' and Unity, imo, is the worst UI ever.
Best to stick with a custom linux build, or start with debian and expand as required.
Currenlty mine looks like this. Currently watching Channel 4 HD through Kaffine, although there is an annoying green horizontal bar at the bottom. It's not really showing up in the screenshot below, but annoying in person and when full screen. Will have to do some digging and see what we can do.

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Made quite a few changes. Went back to Openbox, switched from Cleartype-patched font-rendering packages to the Infinality stuff, which looks miles better. Also decided to use Droid Sans for UI fonts and Droid Sans Mono for terminal and Sublime Text. Looks yum, I think.

Next step: colourise everything with Generic Colouriser. :D
Yo guys. :)

Does anybody mind helping a noob make his Linux install look a bit nicer like the ones posted here?

I've got Ubuntu installed, mainly so I can use GNS3 (runs a bit better in Ubuntu than Windows), but the UI looks pretty ghastly imo.

If somebody could help me make it look a bit more sleek/cool that'd be awesome!

I was thinking of trying other distros but don't know much about Linux at all tbh, I only want something for GNS3/networking/VMs.
Any Distro/theme combinations recommended? Just want something black/blue themed and simplistic, but don't even know
how to install new themes or where to find them. :o

Many thanks to anyone who could point me in the right direction, I don't get a huge amount of time to play with Linux and know
virtually nothing about it. :(
If you want to run something which is a basic GUI and doesn't take many resources but still looks pretty good then I would download LXDE from the Software Manager, or maybe even OpenBox if you're willing to read some documentation and do some customisation.
Cool, will check those out. :D

Been trying a couple of themes since I last posted. Quite like this one, but could be better. The dock on the left is pretty rubbish too. :p

not my usual background, just changed while i build the conky, not sure what else to add to it though info wise! I will be adding RSS and a Now playing bit later on.

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