How are you finding pub numbers since the smoking ban?

Bring on the alcohol ban! All they money it costs the NHS and police/ambulance services, it'll be next...
stoofa said:
Could anyone who posts "Pubs all smell of sweat and/or ****" or similar please also mention if until last Sunday they were still smoking.
It's just out of interest really, but I can't help feeling that it's only the smokers that are saying this and those of us non-smokers have just changed from a smoke filled smelly and killing us environment to one that really has a neutral smell.

The fella who told me the club stank doesn't smoke and never has as far as I know. He hates it as much as I do and welcomed the ban.
The pubs the same, except for all the smokers just nip outside now, then come back in bitching about the weather lol.
The numbers haven't dropped mind, but they haven't increased. Then again, its the sorta pub when you walk though the door everyone stares and looks at you haha. I've just got to the stage were in considered a regular local, and can now look in disgust at the 'new' people haha :D
As a smoker I'm enjoying the ban as well if I'm honest, smoking maybe 3-4 cigs rather than the 15-20 I would usually do on a night out and I honestly don't mind going outside to smoke, if the weather is that bad I'll just go without. It's also a nice brake from the pub/club and gives me time to just chat to people rather than try and workout what they are saying to you because the music’s so loud. Meet more than a few people I wouldn't have spoken to outside as well.

I've not been out since the ban but my local club banned smoking a few months ago and provided an area outside for smokers to go, seems fair to me.

Can't say I've noticed the place smelling any worse than usual!
If a place is smelling bad since the smoke ban, chances are it always smelt bad and the smoke just hid the smell. Now these places will actually have to clean up!
Bes said:
In the Yellow Pages :confused:


Around Hammersmith not noticed any difference but defintely quieter in the yocal pubs in Kent. But the smell now is shocking, just stale beer and vomit. Can't belive smoking masked that.

Plus it should help me finally quit (down to about 4 a day....)
Wonder when all the doom mongers will pop up, wonder how Gilly pub is going :confused:

tbh the pubs i have been in just seem the same, no smoke, same laughs and beer drinking.

Also, vomit I must be rough pubs, don't think I have ever seen anyone been sick in the village pubs, plus the smell like most smells you soon get use to it being there.
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Rotty said:
has anyone seen the ban being enforced anyway, people being told to stop or to leave etc ?

Yes, last night some people were in the toilets smoking. Security were performing regular checks and would haul them outside. I didn't see what happened after that.

Penski - is that true? I've never really looked. Obituary were excellent though.
Lysander said:
Yes, last night some people were in the toilets smoking. Security were performing regular checks and would haul them outside. I didn't see what happened after that.
Lined them up and shot them in the back of the head, military style no doubt.

Interestingly, I haven't been in a pub since the smoking ban. Maybe it's sub-consciously worked on me. Ignoring the fact that I haven't been in a pub for ages..
It would be interesting if we could turn this into a simple poll. Could the moderator on duty add three options to the effect of:

- More people than usual in the pubs in your area
- About the same as usual
- Fewer than usual

Lysander said:
Penski - is that true? I've never really looked. Obituary were excellent though.

Obituary always are ;)

I used to be a regular on the psi forums from about late 98 til 2003ish...was a great community and had loads of off-board meets up and down the country (meet up, get drunk, go to gig, crash on floor of board member/local train station, go home). World's End was our haunt whenever in nodnol.

the last time we were there, the barmaid told those of us wearing psi shirts to turn them inside out or to wear a coat because apparantly "a group of people with those shirts got drunk and were rowdy and tried to steal the big poster frame upstairs and some chairs and tables. just don't let the boss see you."

*looks all innocent*

pitchfork said:
The queens tap
Don't be so damn rude. She'd have your head on a stick if she heard you talking about her parts like that.

/oh wait you meant...


NashTax said:
Was heaving last night, at my local.
I get like that sometimes.

Hey I'm here all night folks
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Went into town Saturday night and it was nice to wake up not stinking of smoke and also my clothes smell fine and haven't stunk my room out.

The smell of smoke I don't like so I welcome the ban.
Went to Bistro Live in Leicester on Friday night and tbh it was nice going outside for a smoke as it got really hot in there once the live band came on stage. Can't say I noticed any difference in the smell though.
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