How are your pets coping tonight?

15 Oct 2012
Couple of loud bangs and the dog is legging it between the living room and the kitchen, heart going ten to the dozen bless him.

How are everybody else's pets coping with the fireworks tonight?
My ginger cat, Garfield, is not fussed at all which is good because he‘s on Thyroid meds. Daisy however, is under the sofa.
Cockapoo, hasn’t even flinched once. We did play firework sounds to him as a puppy when he first came home.
Dog couldn't care less, cat is tearing through the house from back to front depending on where he thinks the bang originated from and sitting on the windowsills to watch them.
I couldn't own something called a "cockapoo" and still consider myself a man.

Get out there a light your fireworks with your cigarette.

Whilst drinking.

And listening to heavy metal.

Burns will not hurt until the morning.
Luckily my collie dog really isn't bothered by fireworks, so he's happily chilling next to me right now :).

Know a couple of people whose dogs are really scared by fireworks though, so do feel sorry for them. One of them has put the dog in a big crate this evening and covered it up with a blanket, and think it's helped the dog feel a lot safer, so might be worth trying if anyone's struggling....
Dexter the cat jumped once when they woke him up from his nap, other than that he's completely unbothered.
Luckily my collie dog really isn't bothered by fireworks, so he's happily chilling next to me right now :).

Know a couple of people whose dogs are really scared by fireworks though, so do feel sorry for them. One of them has put the dog in a big crate this evening and covered it up with a blanket, and think it's helped the dog feel a lot safer, so might be worth trying if anyone's struggling....
Very unusual for collies. My mum had a Border Collie who used to hide and shake in the tightest of spaces. Lived on the coast and got the bangs from the start of various boating races.
Thankfully my dog hasn't been too bad, a few of the louder 1's got her attention, but overall, not that bothered.

1 of my old cats really hated fireworks night, used to hide in a cupboard, then wouldn't come out for hours after it had finished.
Is this a modern thing about pets being scared of fireworks? I don't remember my dog ever giving a crap.
Is this a modern thing about pets being scared of fireworks? I don't remember my dog ever giving a crap.
My mum's border collie was frightened of the fireworks and that was during the 1960s.

Think more people have fireworks going off all the time. Woken up by one this morning at 1am.
My 14 Yr old pooch is deaf as a post. Has no idea.

What used to work to settle her in the past was putting my tshirt on her
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