How are your survival skills.

dboundy said:
You really must be able to swim fast to out swim a shark
You don't need to, all you need to do is be able to outswim the friend who is with you ;)

14/17 btw

13/17 but tbh it ignores the fact that no one can 100% guarantee they wouldn't panic in any of those situations.
It's simple to answer when you've not really got a shark chasing you, a gun pointed at your head or a dog about to lunge at you because the worst that can happen in this case is you get a low score.

A dog came running at me once, one of them shelties, little did i know at the time that they are perticulaly sensitive and often give chase to things that make noise or move sharply, so what was i doing? on my friggin' skateboard! but was i going to lay on the ground in a ball covering my neck? was i ****! i sent my skateboard andy flintoff style straight into its nose as soon as it got near, that sent the little s*** squealing back to its owner.
Im still since that day scared of dogs though, and very wary when walking past one thats been tied up outside a shop or something, they are so unpredictable.
13/17 Im fine as long as I dont encounter a tornado, which isnt very likely.

There were a couple of questions i disagree with though (although i did get them right because i knew what your supposed to do)

1, What to do if a dog is threatening you ie it will almost definitly attack? depending on how big you are and how confident just make as much noise and make yourself as big as possible while at the same time move towards the dog. Do it right and you scare the **** out of the dog and it runs away. Ive done this a few times (although i must admit they werent rottys or alsatians, dont try it with them) and it woorks more than standing still and averting your eyes.

Smilar thing if a dog actually attacks you, if there is very little chance of rescue and you know what to do the best thing to do is go for the jaws, either clog the airways or rip the jaws apart (again it will only work on smaller dogs , upto labs etc) I do not suggest you try it unless you now what your doing though.
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