How Corporate Greed is Killing Your Favourite Video Games

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
What on earth was new about Starfield compared to other Bethesda IP's par the spaceships and name?

The many, many loading screens? The worst parts of Mass Effect 1 (Bioware, I know, but the many soulless planets you could "explore" were hardly a high point) brought forward to present day?

It was shoddy formulaic Bethesda tripe from top to bottom.

While it was certainly Bethesda in feel, you didn't actually address my point : this was new IP. The video is talking (correctly) about the AAA studios playing incredibly safe. Yet here is Bethesda risking a lot of money on new IP. M$ would have been breathing down their necks to bring ES VI forward, but Bethesda did not. I don't care that don't like the game, because there's a whole thread for people who think they are clever by slagging it off. My point was: it is NOT an example of the issues brought up by the video. A rushed out ES VI would be.
25 Oct 2010
While it was certainly Bethesda in feel, you didn't actually address my point : this was new IP. The video is talking (correctly) about the AAA studios playing incredibly safe. Yet here is Bethesda risking a lot of money on new IP. M$ would have been breathing down their necks to bring ES VI forward, but Bethesda did not. I don't care that don't like the game, because there's a whole thread for people who think they are clever by slagging it off. My point was: it is NOT an example of the issues brought up by the video. A rushed out ES VI would be.

I was addressing your point/claim that Starfield added new gameplay elements, I was legitimately wondering what exactly the game did that was new from a gameplay perspective?

From my experience with it there wasn't any.
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